How Does Human Pheromone Work In Attracting The Opposite Sex?

As you probably would have known, all animals including human beings produce a natural sexual attractant scent known as pheromones. The pheromone is a powerful but passive communication carrier that is used to communicate with others of the same species when in relative proximity.

The existence of pheromones has been scientifically proven as a driving force that strongly influence many social behaviors of animals and humans. In fact, it has been conclusively established that these natural chemicals helps to enhance human beings ability to attract sexual attention from the opposite sex or even same the sex if they have such tendencies.

It is now known that both men and women based their choices of a sexual partner not merely on looks, but also on other processes that take place at the subconscious level. Both sexes choose their potential mates because they feel unexplicable powerful attraction and thus could this powerful attraction be caused by the pheromome each partner produces? Let’s find out.

Scientists as far back as in the 1700s had already noted the existence of an organ in the nasal cavities of human beings known as the vomeronasal organ or the VNO. At that time, they assumed that the organ was no longer in used by human beings as they could not determined its function. This perception took a complete turnaround in the last couple of decades as scientists discovered that 100 mg viagra the VNO is actually a receptor to detect human pheromones. Now, this is getting interesting, isn’t it?

Today, there are now conclusive proofs that humans do produce and respond to pheromones. Numerous studies have shown that women who have been exposed men’s pheromones do experience changes in their ovulation cycle and by that, is an inference of her eagerness and interest in having sexual relationships.

In another study, it was reported that by merely placing the underarm sweat of women in different menstrual cycle phases under the noses of other women can significantly alter the period (pun not intended) of the subjects’ menstrual cycles. It thus bears to note that underarm sweat has a pheromone substance known as dehydroepiandrosterone. Perhaps, this is why girls living in close proximity, such as in college dorms often have their menstrual cycles at the same time.

In other studies and experiments, subjects exposed to pheromones said they felt more attractive, more confident and even more amorous. In fact, more than 70% of subjects testing for a commercial pheromone product reported experiencing caressing, kissing and making love in their daily lives.

In another experiment, using a pair of female identical twins as test subjects, researchers dabbed a pheromone cologne on one twin and plain cologne on the other. The twins were then taken to a bar where they were intermittently switched throughout the experiment so that no one would be able to know that they were actually two different persons.

Want to know what happened during the experiment Brand Cialis that night? Now hold on to your breath. It was reported that as many as thirty men approached the sister wearing the cologne laced with human pheromone and only a mere eleven approached the sister wearing the ordinary one. What do these figures tell you?

So it can now be determined that humans are greatly influenced by the presence of pheromones. However, because of evolution, our bodies have ceased to produce enough quantities of the human pheromone to be very sexually attractive. This is the reason why there are now so many pheromone products in the market to help men and women regain their natural sexual attractiveness.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Human Pheromone Oil, Perfume Or Spray Silagra and Human Pheromone Sex Aphrodisiac

Category: Relationships/Dating
Keywords: human pheromones, opposite sex, sexual attraction, pheromone oil

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