Basketball Players Benefit from Strength Training

One of the most popular games to play and to watch in America and around the world is basketball. The sweat, talent, and power of the athletes who play at professional levels are astounding to watch.

These basketball professionals spent years and years training in order to be able to perform at this level. Throughout those years they needed to build a high level of cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and strength.

The cardiovascular fitness allows them to run fast for long periods of time. A higher level of endurance than the other players helps them to have more energy throughout the entire game.

By building their strength they are also able to resist when other players push them. They will also be able to effectively fight for the ball.

Strength training also improves a player’s performance in other ways. By becoming stronger a player will be able to push of faster when they begin running, jump higher, and react quicker.

Some of the most successful athletes will admit that they spent extra time building their strength in order to become successful. Many of them would even add an extra work out session in their home gym when they came home from practice every day.

This extra dedication to practice and strength training in the home gym when they could have been sitting on the couch watching T.V. made a huge difference to them. It can also make a huge difference for those who are beginning to learn basketball.

Strength training can especially help the ball handler on the team. An excellent ball handler will be able to take off at instantaneous speeds faster than the other players.

He or she will also be able to instantaneously change direction and still keep control of the ball. Strength training can vastly improve the speed of a ball handler.

It is also important that the ball handler is efficient at protecting the ball and leading the team in various plays. The ball handler is generally smaller than the rest of the team.

As a result, when he or she tries for a rebound, he or she will need to be able to jump higher than the rest of the team. Strength training will be key in helping him or her jump higher.

In addition to strength training, regular ball handling training will also have to take place. One of the most basic ball handling exercises is practicing dribbling two balls.

Dribbling two balls can be very difficult at first because it requires more concentration. However, when handling two balls while not looking at them becomes easy, it will be tremendously easier to take care of only one ball.

Another great exercise that can improve ball handling is called Around the World. In this exercise, the ball handler will take the ball and circle it around his head, then his waist, then his knees when they are touching.

Then, he will spread his legs and move the ball around one leg and then the other. This exercise helps the ball handler become comfortable with moving the ball and gives him a feel for how the ball will move.

The Scissors is another great basket ball exercise. In this exercise the ball handler will put the left foot in front of the right and bounce the ball between the feet allowing it to move from the left hand to the right.

When the ball moves to the left hand, the ball handler will switch her feet quickly. Move the ball back to the right hand and switch the feet again.

This is a preliminary exercise Levitra Professional to aid learning how to do moving between the legs crossovers. This move is a key tool that every effective ball handler must have.

Another great exercise that successful ball handlers practice is called Catch Catch Catch. The ball handler will begin by spreading his legs so that his feet line up horizontally.

Then, he will hold the ball between his legs with one hand in the front and the other reaching behind him. The ball handler will quickly move his hands so that the hand that was in front is in the back and the hand that was in the back is in the front.

He should catch the ball before it hits the ground. This exercise should be performed as quickly as possible.

By performing the correct ball handling exercises and strength training, a ball handler can become very successful. It will take time and effort, but it will be worth it.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has worked as a personal trainer for the last 14 years and written hundreds of articles about personal fitness and home gym equipment.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Fitness/Muscle Building
Keywords: home gym equipment

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