Effectively Cleansing Your Body of Too Much Salt

It’s summertime, and that means it’s time for cookouts, barbecues and parties. This can be one of the funniest times of the year!

But sometimes this is not a fun time for your body. If you think about what you’re eating at all those cookouts and barbecues, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

All those potato chips, hamburgers, sandwiches, and potato salads might make you feel really good but after eating too much of them they can do a real number on your body. One of the reasons this is so is because these types of foods have a lot of salt in them.

Having too much salt in your diet can really affect your health in a number of ways. It can raise your blood pressure and do damage to your internal organs such as your stomach and intestines.

Luckily, once you intake salt, it doesn’t mean that it is stuck in your body forever. You can flush it out so that it is not a problem for your body’s systems.

There are many ways that you can do this. Here are just some of the ways that you can cleanse your body of this tasty but dangerous compound.

First, you can do one simple thing to help with the problem: drink water. But it’s not just any old type of water that you will be drinking.

You want to make sure that you are drinking natural spring water. Why would this be important?

It is important because many other different types of water still have salts put in them. I bet that is something new that you learned today!

Natural spring water is salt-free and thus it is better to drink during this time period of cleansing. It is recommended that you drink at least 64 ounces of this type of water during a 3-day period.

When you intake this amount of water, your body will automatically flush out excess liquid and replace it with the new kind. The excess liquid will be where all your body’s salt is being held.

Next, you can naturally cut down on your salt intake when you are eating food. It’s good to do this for about three days, preferable in conjunction with your water intake.

Avoid junk foods at all cost during this time, because those are usually high in salt. For all other foods, you can look at their nutrition facts and see how much sodium they have in them.

The next thing that you can do to help is to cut down your carbohydrate intake during this time. You might be wondering why this would be important even if your carbohydrate foods don’t have salt in them.

This is because for every pound of carbs that you have stored, your system stores another 2 to 3 pounds of water to support it. This excess liquid is where all the sodium in your body goes!

So that means the more carbohydrates you eat, the more sodium that will be present in your system. So avoid things such as bread and pasta.

Fruits and vegetables are okay, as they will not be a problem for you. Also try to eat foods that are low in carbs so that you can curb the effects of the carbohydrate-rich foods that you have been eating.

Finally, you can solve the problem by sweating out the excess sodium that is in you. A lot of the sodium will be in your sweat and will exit your system once you do activities that require perspiration.

You can do aerobic exercise and wear warmer clothes that will heat you up and make you more prone to sweating. Even if you don’t sweat for some reason, the exercise will help you anyway!

If you don’t want to exercise, you can use a sauna to help you if you have access to one. Start by going into the sauna until you are sweating.

Then go out of the sauna and take a shower that will cleanse you of all the initial sweat. Then go back into the sauna until you are sweating again.

This will ensure that the sodium is being expelled out of your system. Good luck with these methods that have been given to you!

Author Bio: Rondald Viagra Jelly Pedactor has worked in the exercise and health industry for 27 years. When searching for a isagenix cleanse he advises shopping around for the most complete deal.

Contact Info:
Ronald Pedactor

Category: Health/Nutrition
Keywords: isagenix cleanse

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