What Are the Risks of Having a Backyard Swing Set?

A swing set or playset in your backyard is mostly a wonderful addition to your home. It encourages your kids to play outside more in an active way. This helps to encourage better motor skills and better health in your children.

They aren’t perfectly safe, however. You should be aware of the risks before buying and setting up your own swing set.

Kids Can Be Injured by Swing Sets

The risk of injury is the most obvious thing you should be aware of. Kids get hurt when they play. Not just on swing sets or playset, but any time they’re playing actively they have a chance of getting hurt. But swing set Cialis Professional injuries can be a bit more severe.

Falls are one issue. They can fall while swinging, while climbing or while hanging upside down from a bar. They can be hit by another child swinging in a swing as they walk by. These are pretty much normal childhood injuries, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t scary when it happens and it also doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance for severe injuries.

Take the risk of injury into account and do what you can to limit the problem. Have rules for your children about how rough they play around the swing set. Let them have fun, kids do need to be kids, but set limits. The younger children are, the more they need to be watches as they play on a swing set.

Consider the ground beneath your swing set. Is it just the lawn?

If you can afford it, you’re better off putting 9-12 inch deep wood chips or a rubber surface beneath your swing set. It’s not as pretty as your lawn (which will get scuffed up by children playing anyhow), but it’s safer.

Don’t forget strangulation hazards, which has much to do with what children wear.

Equipment Stability

Particularly as your playset ages, make sure that you check it for loose and aging parts. Screws and bolts can come loose. Wood can crack and break. Metal can rust.

Look over your play equipment monthly and make sure it’s still in good condition. Most often you’ll just need to tighten up a loose part, but once in a while you will come across parts that need replacement. Better to catch them before they’re a problem.

A well maintained swing set is not likely to be a serious liability, but you should be aware of potential issues. A little caution and some sensible rules go a long way toward keeping play safe.

Author Bio: Stephanie Foster created http://www.youroutdoorswingset.com/ for parents looking to buy affordable swing sets. Decide if a cheap wooden swing set is right for your budget at her site.

Category: Family/Parenting/Children
Keywords: kids playing,swing set,swing set safety

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