“Preparing for Strength Training and Exercise at Home”

But to achieve the greatest health and fitness benefits — and the greatest change in appearance — you’ll need to choose an aerobic activity to supplement your strength training. The aerobic exercise will help you to further reduce body fat, including the fat you may be wearing around your middle.

It will also strengthen your heart and lungs. By combining the slimming effect of aerobic exercise and the toning power of strengthening exercises, you’ll soon be sporting a body that turns heads on the beach.

Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous movement involving the large muscle groups of the body over an extended period. This includes such activities as walking, running, biking, and swimming.

For a knockout punch against body fat, experts recommend the combination of exercise and proper Viagra Jelly diet. Your diet should be low in fat and cholesterol and high in complex carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes, vegetables, cereals, and pasta.

It’s also important to select a wide variety of foods to be sure you’re providing your body with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs. Dress comfortably in clothing that promotes movement and heat loss.

Wear athletic shoes that provide stability and comfort. If possible, work on a wooden floor, carpet, or other surface that gives with the body.

If you are pressed for time, you can choose one group of exercises, which will allow you to focus on a particular area of the body. However, the greatest gains will come if you consistently work through the entire program.

Try to establish an exercise schedule, alternating the strength training in this article with aerobic exercise. Your schedule might include strengthening exercises on Tuesday and Thursday and aerobic exercise on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Try to work up to two to three days of strength training and at least three days of aerobic exercise each week. Make an appointment with yourself to exercise and allow nothing to interfere.

The aerobic exercise sessions should last between twenty and sixty minutes each, depending on how hard you work and what your goals are. To get aerobic benefits, fitness specialists advise that you exercise at sixty to ninety percent of your maximum heart rate.

You can determine your training heart rate zone by consulting a medical or exercise professional. You can also estimate it on your own.

Begin by subtracting your age from the number two hundred and twenty; this will give you your maximum heart rate per minute. For example, if you’re thirty years old, your maximum heart rate is about 190 (220-30) beats per minute.

Once you know your maximum heart rate, multiply it by .6 (60 percent) and .9 (90 percent) respectively to find the lower and upper limits of your training zone. For example, if your maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute, your training zone is between 114 (190 x .6) and 171 (190 x .9) beats per minute.

If you are just starting out with an exercise program, exercise toward the low end of your training zone and gradually increase exercise intensity. For a fat-burning aerobic workout, longer (30 minutes or more) and more frequent (four or five days a week) workouts at a more moderate pace are recommended.

To check your heart rate, you need a watch that measures seconds. You can take your pulse either at the radial artery in your wrist (on the inner side of your wrist, below the heel of your hand) or at the carotid artery in your neck (next to your Adam’s apple).

Place the index and middle fingers of one hand gently on either spot to feel the pulse. Count the number of beats for ten seconds, then multiply by six to determine your heart rate in beats per minute.

By briefly checking your pulse during aerobic exercise, you’ll be able to tell if you’re working in your target zone. If your heart rate is below the target zone, increase your pace.

As you can see, there are plenty of things to do to prepare for a good aerobic workout. Work on figuring out your target heart rate, and you will be able to get the workout your body deserves.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has worked in the health industry for years. He recommends using the right home exercise equipment for becoming a healthier you.

Contact Info:

Tom Selwick

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: home exercise equipment

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