“The Best Stretches Before You Workout on Your Elliptical”

If you are going to workout, you should always thoroughly stretch your body before you climb on your machine. Here are some stretches that will target the muscles you are going to use when you work on your elliptical machine.

Since the elliptical machine works the same muscles as a runner, you need to learn how to stretch like a runner. The calf, or gastrocnemius, muscle runs along the back of your lower leg.

In runners, this muscle is prone to a calf pull or strain. To begin, stand about an arm’s-length from the wall.

Lean forward and place both hands on the wall about shoulder width apart. Extend one foot (the side to be stretched) behind you with heel on the ground and one foot closer to the wall.

Lean into the wall with your hips until you feel a stretch in the calf of the extended leg. Hold this stretch for about thirty seconds and change sides-for a deeper stretch, move your foot farther back.

This stretch is similar to the Achilles tendon heel stretch, however by keeping your knee straight you focus the stretch on the calf rather than the Achilles. Next is the standing IT band stretch.

The iliotibial (IT) band is a tough group of fibers that run along the outside of the thigh. Iliotibial band syndrome is a common running injury that is generally due to inflammation and irritation of this band.

Here is a simple stretch you can do while standing. Stand with your left leg crossed in front of your right leg.

With your right arm extending overhead, reach to the left, then put your left hand on your hip. Push slightly on your left hip until you feel a slight stretch along the right side of your torso, hip, upper thigh and knee.

Hold for twenty to thirty seconds and change sides. For a deeper stretch, keep your feet farther apart, bend the knee of your forward foot and keep the back knee straight.

Your next stretch is the standing quad stretch. The quadriceps (quads) are a group of muscles along the front of the thigh.

There are many different ways to stretch your quadriceps, but here is a simple one you can do while standing. Stand on one leg and grab onto something solid if you need support.

Bend your knee and bring your heel toward your buttock. Reach for your ankle with your hand.

Stand up straight and feel a slight pull along the front of your thigh and hip. Hold the stretch for twenty to thirty seconds, release and repeat on the other leg.

Be careful not to strain your knee – the goal is not to touch your heel to the buttock, but rather to stretch the thigh. Next is the seated hamstring stretch.

Because tightness in the low back and hamstrings is often related to muscle pain and stiffness in runners, stretch can help maintain good running form and reduce the risk of stiffness, pain and injury.

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you with knees straight. In a slow, steady movement, lean forward at the hips, keep your knees straight and slide your hands up your legs to your feet.

Extend as far as you can, and dorsiflex your feet slightly to increase the stretch. Hold the stretch for twenty to thirty seconds, release and repeat two to three times.

One of the most important things you can do is stretch your hip flexors and psoas muscles. The hip flexors are a group of muscles that bring the legs up toward the trunk.

Runners rely on these muscles, particularly when running uphill, and keeping the limber is essential. Begin in a forward lunge position and drop your back knee to the floor.

Raise your arms and hands up over your head and look up. Press your hips forward and down toward the floor and feel a stretch through your torso, hip, groin and thigh.

Hold the stretch for about twenty to thirty seconds, release and repeat on the other leg. If you do these stretches every day before you workout on your elliptical machine, your endurance and flexibility will greatly increase, as will the quality of your workout.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has worked in the health industry for years. He recommends using the right elliptical for becoming a healthier you.

Contact Info:

Tom Selwick

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Tadalis SX />Keywords: elliptical

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