Even Starving Artists Need A Health Care Plan!

In popular media, artists are often portrayed as being very different from “the rest” of the human population. They can be fragile, angelic romantics, as the poet Keats was portrayed in the recent film Bright Star. Alternatively, they may be violent and lawless, as was Leonardo Di Caprio’s version of Arthur Rimbaud in Total Eclipse. Of course, there is also “hard” evidence of how strange artists can be: the real-life eccentricities of musicians like Sinead O’Connor are well-documented and can be watched on YouTube.

To an extent, it might be argued that an artist’s life tends to be an unusual one because the arts tend to attract the devotion of unusual people. However, the truth of the situation is much more complicated, and possibly less romantic. There are several economic realities that can make the life of an artist different from that of people in other professions, regardless of whether or not the artist has the stereotypical “artistic temperament.”

For instance, let us take a look at the notion of employment in the art world. A large proportion of people in the artistic professions can be classified as freelance, unemployed, or self-employed. In other words, they are less likely than the “typical” nine-to-five white-collar professional or worker to have a corporate health plan. The alternative is to spend for one’s own private or individual health pan. Of course, not every person who devotes himself or herself to the arts and crafts can afford to do so. (This statement should not be taken as an endorsement of the stereotype that artists are poor and/or unsuccessful. An individual health plan can be out of the reach of people in many other professions, as well, which is why such people are usually glad to have a company health plan.)

Thus, it becomes very important for a freelance artist to be very concerned with his or her own health. It may be far more practical and cost-effective to prevent serious illness rather than to wait for it to arrive, and then try to treat it. Proper diet and exercise can be crucial, and hopefully, at least some freelance artists are able to take advantage of their loose, relatively unregulated schedules to squeeze in some healthy habits.

Besides “starving,” another stereotypical adjective often attached to artists is “young.” Of course, logic tells us that artists can and do grow old, just like everyone else (assuming they do not die tragically and thus absorb more cliches). Of course, as a freelance artist gets older, he or she also has to worry about increasing health problems, as well as the fact that he or she might not have any corporate safeguards in case of emergency. In that case, the artist should look into healthcare options that address the changes the body undergoes in aging. One of the major changes is that the body starts to produce less human growth hormone. Lower levels of this chemical in fact produce most of the other results associated with aging, such as less energy, lower muscle mass, and a weaker immune system. For the aging person without a corporate health plan, human growth hormone supplements are an option worth considering. These supplements are different from injections of HGH itself. Besides being cheaper and more convenient, they do not contain HGH, but rather encourage your body to produce more HGH.

If you are an artist working as your own employer, do remember to take measures to compensate for the corporate benefits you are not getting-such as health plans.

Author Bio: Undeniably we all want to stay young and healthy. Anti aging is the science that deals with life extension. HGH an anti aging substance that was made popular in the Rudman Study is now in the forefront of anti aging. Still HGH side effects must be considered before using it.

Category: Arts and Crafts
Keywords: arts,artist, starving artist, artist health plan, healthcare artists,freelance artists

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