Shanghai Has a New Variety of Upland Rice Research

Without adequate water, muddy field with no, look, these upland rice seedlings still grow tall and straight! From the author has learned that Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center, most recently in Jiading, Fengxian Planting of the “Shanghai Dry 7” is a recently validated by the Shanghai New Upland Rice Varieties. CH, chief scientist of the center, said the variety of production and close to ordinary rice, and water than ordinary rice but you can save 50% or more, so as to ensure food security in another country selection.

It is understood that China’s per capita water resources in 2400 tons, per capita water resources in the world 1 4 of the world’s No. 109, an annual economic loss due to water shortages caused by more than 200 billion yuan. At present, agricultural water use 80% of the total water consumption, water consumption of rice of which 70% of total agricultural water use. This means that only water on rice production accounts for 56% of the total water consumption, and therefore our existing water resources, difficult to support the further development of the traditional rice.

Experts predict that by 2030, China’s annual demand for rice will reach from 256 million to 272 million t, but the domestic production of rice in just close to 200 million tons. So by 2030, China’s rice output to be further than the present output is about 60 million tons. In order to tap the potential of increasing production of rice, no more than expand the planting area or increase yield per unit area. In this case, the use of dry high yield rice, maintain national food security should be a new choice.

It is reported that, upland rice and rice have a “common ancestor” grows in the wild rice marsh pond. Later, part of the “water” into rice, the other part is “uphill” long into the upland rice. Despite the long history of aerobic rice in China, but its work is far behind breeding rice breeding process. Therefore, the average per mu yield of rice has now reached 500 kg, while the yield of upland rice have long hovered at more than 100 kg. Until recent years, the domestic research in this area before breakthroughs.

Last year, the Shanghai Research Center of Biological gene China’s first water saving cultivation of upland rice variety “in the drought 3” by the national examination, has been large scale cultivation. According to investigation, the species not only saving than ordinary least 50% of rice, and rice and rice quality and yield are similar to. Even in an environment of severe water shortage, but also the stability of 200 to 300 kilograms per mu. Currently, the total global area of upland rice cultivation area of 13%, while the upland rice area in China accounts for only 1% of the total rice area. Experts estimate that the development of upland rice in China is very big.

At the same time last year, also bringing out the gene center of a world’s first high quality upland rice CMS “Shanghai drought 1A”. This year, the use of “Shanghai drought 1A” hybrid breeding not only in Shanghai and began to try to grow upland rice, also in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces combined with the local varieties, cultivation of new hybrid to try to grow upland rice for promotion.

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