Transgenic Cotton Cultivation Success in Jiangsu

Gaochun County, Jiangsu Province by the Red Sun Group, 863 cultivated a major scientific and technological achievements Transgenic Cotton “southern anti 3”, introduced in Jiangsu Sheyang success. This indicates that China’s seed industry entered the genome era. Well known for producing pesticides and outside high tech group red sun in early 1998 involved in bio engineering field, they and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University join hands to gather a group of national genetic engineering, breeding, agronomy experts and professors, focusing on developing a world leading level of self help to improve plant resistance to disease, insects, herbicides, and salt, drought and coldness gene, but also with our natural climate, soil and ecological environment diversity, specificity, and adaptable to explore resources, the use of advanced genetic and hybrid breeding technology, domestic and foreign cotton, rice, rapeseed, high quality seeds of vegetables gene cloning, recombinant, transgenic breeding, and import high yielding, insect resistance, disease resistance, herbicide resistance genes. This year the company’s first 2500 kg of transgenic hybrid cotton “South against 3” in Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, planted in 16 demonstration areas 6,000 acres and quick success. Demonstration area of up to 100 kg lint per mu, the foreign gene in cotton yield than 20%, increase farmers 300 yuan per mu.

China Sheyang disk bay in the new transgenic cotton four “southern anti 3” demonstration area, the “southern anti 3” in general than the “Soviet cotton 9” and other varieties of tall, bolls per plant more, “Nan anti 3” is not only high yield and labor saving, saving. As an insect resistant cotton varieties, basically do not need spraying, and other varieties of cotton will have to spray more than 4 times, only this items can cost 50 yuan per mu over. In addition, because they do not spray, and the “South against 3” intercropping of other crops is not contaminated, there was no environmental problems, thus planting “Southern Anti 3”, its economic and ecological benefits are immeasurable.It is reported that “the South anti 3” Planting success of our country after the United States has the world’s second independent intellectual property rights of the State Cotton.Autumn is the season of harvest, when farmers harvest sickle waved golden rice, turned white cotton picking hands dance, you may have thought that these bring joy to the farmers, to national economic development to ensure grain, cotton fruit during the growing How much resistance can be a disaster of a good harvest.

Take the cotton, the variety of pests and diseases is its greatest harm, in which cotton is a most harm. According to experts, cotton, cotton is the place to be pests every year, China’s cotton spared from south to north, these pests can cause the most serious crops. In 1992, our country once had the worst outbreak of bollworm damage, many local crops, national direct losses of 70 to 80 billion yuan. Therefore, scientists from various countries are always looking get rid of the cotton bollworm and research methods. However, only by a long way to heavy use of pesticides, the consequences of drug resistance in cotton bollworm increasingly difficult to completely kill, and its natural enemies and other beneficial insects but could not escape the killings, excessive use of environment pesticide pollution is serious, and farmers spraying pesticides and hazardous to health. Of the 20th century during the 50’s and 90’s, Central America, Guatemala, farmers that have occurred due to pesticide poisoning, leading to the collapse of the cotton industry in Latin America. China has a time for serious cotton farmers had to give up in cotton, making cotton acreage dropped sharply.

In recent years, on behalf of one of contemporary high tech cutting edge rapid development of biological engineering, bio technology in the agricultural field application, makes the human right Xuduozhangqi difficult to solve a breakthrough was made. With the human genome and the genome of a variety of important crops, microbial genome research progress and breakthroughs, Gene has become an emerging high tech industries, and gene biotechnology industry has become the most dynamic part of the industry. 100 year history of the United States has been Monsanto Life Sciences Company first began to explore the organisms migrate to crops on the DNA genetic engineering technology in 1996 and successfully bred resistance to cotton bollworm. Currently the world’s most advanced high tech achievements have also been rooted in the land of China.Not long ago, reporters interview cotton in Anhui, the smiling faces from the farmers saw the benefits of this new technology, bring environmental benefits, bringing the benefits of agricultural development.

In Lujiang County Association, Zhang Wuzhen mayor pointed to growing in the Agrocybe neat, robust cotton that in 1999, the township Planting Prudential 32B200 hectares of cotton boll, cotton, a good harvest that year. In 2000, all township 01,000 hectares of cotton boll plant protection of cotton, although cotton bollworm damage then serious, but the township has not been harmful cotton, 01,000 hectares of cotton were full harvest, the average yield of 315 kg of seed cotton. This year, the township 01,300 hectares are planted with cotton boll cotton American security has been a bumper harvest. Anhui from the introduction of transgenic cotton in 1999 only 3 years, over 30% of the province planted cotton this high tech products. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Statistics show that China’s cotton since 1999, an increase of 20 million tons, the increase in production of transgenic cotton seeds from the commercial application.

Paul Bell What are the advantages of cotton in the end? Why is welcomed by farmers? United States Department of Agriculture Technical Services Manager, Monsanto, said Dr. Lv Nan, Paul Bell Paul Bell with cotton is that all general term gene cotton varieties. From a variety of performance, said Paul Bell has a high resistance to cotton cotton 32B (red) bell insect pests in cotton growing season all the basic control without medication, and wide adaptability, high yield and good fiber quality of cotton grown well, spinning quality requirements of the target reached. While insect resistance, and adapt to a variety of soil and plant cultivation conditions. The benefits to farmers from said Paul Bell cotton can reduce pesticide costs per 0.0667 ha about 20 to 45 yuan, coupled with high germination rate, yield generally increased over 10%. Cotton is good, earnings per 0.0667 ha more than in 1000 yuan, more than the kind of income other varieties of cotton 150 to 200 yuan, up 300 yuan. No wonder the farmers are now buying cotton in Anhui, we need to look for the brand.

According to figures provided by the departments concerned, there are nine provinces in China has now accumulated over transgenic cotton planted 366,600 hectares, its economic and social benefits of nearly 800 million yuan.

The fact that we see the development of genetically modified crops, led a historic leap in agricultural production, agricultural biotechnology has become the best value and prospects of the industry. Biotechnology, particularly transgenic technology in agriculture applications, will bring about a profound revolution in agriculture, the significance of the far reaching even than the Internet revolution. Because this will be the survival and development of mankind has a significant impact green revolution.

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