Reminders and Simple Tips on How to Care For Gemstone Jewellery

Despite the fact that gemstones are considered one of the most durable substances the earth produces, they still need maintenance once they are made into fine jewelleries. Gemstone accessories are always in demand because they are often seen as classic pieces in the jewellery industry so taking care of them is also like taking care a huge investment in your possession. For maintenance, you can take your precious gemstone to a jeweller every once in a while for occasional oiling but you can also do some simple care tips which can help you maintain your gemstone accessories in top shape.

The first tip is to keep your jewellery always clean. When we say clean, this does not mean constantly washing them. Mounted gems on accessories easily collect soap which, when not washed properly can blur the lustre of the stones. In cleaning crystalline transparent gemstones, simply soaking them with water can already do the job. Mild soap can be used but special formulas are recommended for milder stones like emeralds. Using a soft toothbrush can also be used to scrub accumulated dust and dirt behind the mounted stones but this should be done in care to avoid dislodging the gems.

The second care tip is to never wear gemstone jewelleries when doing certain activities that can pose a chance of getting the piece hit by a hard object or soaking it too long in water. The truth is, even the hardest gemstone can become vulnerable to breakage once inclusions start to weaken and damage their crystal structure. For example, accessories with mounted stones should not be worn when cleaning the house because even the simplest bump on furniture can cause the stone to crack. Diamonds, in particular, can break in half with a single high-force blow and sapphires and rubies can be chipped by a sharp hit.

One of the most common types of cleaning tools used for precious jewellery is the ultrasonic cleaner. This machine uses vibrations to shake off the accumulated dirt on the gemstone pieces. Even though completely effective, cleaning gems with this machine cleaner should not be taken lightly because the vibrations can destroy some brittle gems. Diamonds, sapphires, and rubies will do just fine since they are known to be the toughest gems. However, emerald should never be placed on this machine because they can be easily chipped and cracked. Also, one must first scrutinize if the gem that will be put on the ultrasonic cleaner is free of even the smallest crack because the vibrations that will be produced by this machine can worsen the inclusions which can further lead to breakage.

Moreover, accessories mounted with opaque gemstones like turquoise, lapis lazuli, and malachite need special care. Opaque stones are more sensitive than the transparent gemstones because they are essentially rocks which are softer than crystals that are made up of single minerals. In cleaning stones like these, ultrasonic cleaners and ammonia should never be used. Instead, simply wiping them with a moist cloth is already sufficient. They should not be soaked in water either because since they are rocks, they have the tendency to absorb water. This can weaken their structures.

Author Bio: hand crafted jewellery Silver Jewellery online

Category: Womens Interest

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