Archive for March, 2012

CPR Classes – How to Choose the Right One

Acquiring training on CPR has certainly become essential for every person so that with this life saving technique, a patient can be given immediate emergency care. As an individual, you might also be interested to go for CPR classes to get the training. In fact, without attending proper classes, you would not be given the […]

How to Lose Abdominal Stretch Marks

You can acquire stretch marks when your skin undergoes excessive stretching, like what happens when you get bigger belly or stomach due to weight gain, pregnancy or bodybuilding. Stretch marks are not harmful to the body, but it does not really look good especially for women who want to wear two-piece bathing suits and other […]

Understanding The Various Signs Of Depression

During these physically, mentally and emotionally trying times it is important to be familiar with the common signs of depression. There are various types of depression whose mode of treatment varies from one form to the other. However, even though there are many types of depression the basic symptoms are generally the same. Understanding the […]

How to Get Rid of Baby Fat

The presence of baby fat can be normal for mothers like you who just delivered a baby. After birth, they may be fat left on your belly and of course, you may want to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, few days after your baby is born, your body can still be […]

How to Lose Ab Fat

One major problem of every person that seems to be so hard to handle is the presence of abdominal fat in his or her body. One may think that a couple of crunches may do the trick to lose them, but sometimes, it just is not enough. One best way to lose abdominal fat is […]

How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

Hiccups can sometimes be annoying especially when adults had them, although it is actually common for them to have it. This occur when the muscle that help us breathing which is called the diaphragm make contact in a very forceful manner. A hiccup is one thing that adults often neglect, but when the infants are […]

Nopalea Best-Selling TriVita Product

Nopalea Juice, made from the Prickly Pear Cactus, has soared to the top as TriVita’s top selling product. The company announced that it has sold more than 1.7 million bottles of the wonder drink, which it calls a “natural anti-inflammatory drink.” The company, based in Scottsdale, expects it sales to reach two million in the […]

Types of Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage has been there for centuries, popularly used amongst the South American tribes and in Asia to bring about soothing relief and inner healing. The modern type of hot stone massage was developed my Mary Nelson of Arizona into what is known as the LaStone Massage. This has become the common form of […]

Using Stained Glass Panels For Home Decorating

Using stained glass panels is a great way to add color, style and atmosphere to your home. They are relatively inexpensive and allow you to spruce up a space or room without major renovation, which can be time consuming, messy and not to mention expensive. Mention stained glass and many people will still associate old […]

Nopalea And Detoxifying

Detox with Nopalea Every once in a while our bodies need to be completely detoxified. I’m not into the Scientologist belief that you need to spend thousands of dollars and a week of your life in a sauna to detoxify. I think you can do a good job detoxifying your body at home. It is […]