Want to Learn Spanish? How to Speak More Confidently When Learning Spanish

Want to learn Spanish? One of the biggest problems for people learning to speak Spanish is that they don\’t have the confidence to use what they know.

Maybe they\’re scared they won\’t use the right words or that their pronunciation will be off. Maybe they\’re worried about using the right verb tenses for that situation. Maybe they just don\’t want to sound like a \’tourist\’.

But the problem is that when you lack confidence, that comes through.

It\’s better to charge boldly forward with your Spanish than to hang back. Most people will just appreciate the fact that you\’re trying more than anything else! Here are 3 tips to help improve your confidence when speaking:

#1 Practice Your Pronunciation

When starting out, there are lots of different learning courses to choose from. Choose a program that gives you a lot of time to practice your pronunciation.

Maybe the speaker says a word in Spanish and then gives you time to say it out loud. This is a great way to practice your pronunciation and feel more confident in your ability.

Stay away from courses that are just written or auditory – without room for you to practice pronuciation. When you practice out loud over and over, it does something for you. Your brain registers the sound.

You naturally start to assimilate the proper way to say words, without even noticing it. You\’ll go to speak and realize that you\’re sounding like a local – without really trying. That\’s the power of practicing your pronunciation.

#2 Focus on the Basics

You don\’t have to know how to discuss the complex political situation in Venezuela. Most communication in Spanish will be done with a few basic words (like quiero for \”I want\”, necesito for \”I need\” or muy bien for \”very well\”).

Once you master the basics, you can probably get through 80% of most situations in Spanish pretty well. Focus on really mastering the basics and leave the complex stuff until later.

When you feel like you\’ve got the basics down, you\’ll feel more comfortable to handle yourself in a Spanish-speaking situation.

#3 Immerse Yourself in the Language

This is one of the best ways to learn fast – immerse yourself in everyday Spanish. Listen to Spanish radio. Watch Spanish TV. Read Spanish books from your local library. Even watch your favorite DVDs with the Spanish language mode on instead of English.

It may seem strange at first but after a while, you\’ll be picking it up with little effort. You may even be able to watch a Spanish soap opera or two without giggling!

Those are 3 ways to get confident in your speaking ability when learning a new language. Remember at the end of the day however that confidence is key. Just the fact that you are trying puts you way ahead of most people and you deserve a standing ovation just for trying!

Author Bio: Want to learn Spanish? Visit Best Way To Learn Spanish for reviews of the latest Spanish-speaking courses. Or visit Spanish Language Courses for the most popular online programs, including free trials and discounts!

Category: Education
Keywords: learning spanish,learn spanish,courses,speak,speaking,program

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