Channeling a Suicide

I was contacted by a friend, Julia, who was emotionally shook up from the suicide of a young friend of her daughters’ named Marcus. Marcus was 25 years old and his girlfriend had just broken up with him. Despondent over his life he shot himself in the head and died immediately.

Julia wanted to know if I could contact his spirit and find out how he was as this had just occurred the day before. I have channeled many murder victims and accident victims. This was the first time I was asked to channel someone who committed suicide. Knowing the suffering that everyone was going through I was compelled to contact Marcus. My friend understood that channeling a deceased person is far different than communication in the third dimension and for that I was grateful as I knew she would understand the process I was going through to reach Marcus.

When I am meant to contact a deceased person everything happens quickly. I put myself into a trancelike state and almost instantly I could see Marcus. I had no photographs of him, but I knew I was seeing him immediately. He was underneath a bench that was situated in a large brightly lit dormitory like setting. There were gentle spirits all around and it was a quiet setting.

When Marcus saw me he called out, “Help me. I’m scared and I don’t understand what has happened. Who are all these people?” His face was full of fear. I understood that he had no concept of the spirit world and he could not relate to those in that dimension. Our soul is developed as we live and his soul had not fully developed. Here I was coming from the third dimension which he understood.

I told him that I was there to talk with him and help as much as I could. First off I explained that he was in the spirit world and that the spirits around him wanted to help, they were not there to frighten him. He would not come out from under the bench. I gently spoke to him about the fact that he was now a spirit and living in the spiritual dimension. I continued talking and asking him to come out from under the bench. It took time, but he did come crawling out and I took his hands and we sat down together on the bench.

He said, “I need to feel connected to my old world and even though I don’t know you I know that you come from where I did. I regret my actions, but I really didn’t know what else to do.”

My friend Julia was connected with me on the phone and I was quiet and not talking with her because I needed to hear everything that Marcus had to say. I was glad this was someone who knew me and would understand that I could not relay everything back immediately or I would lose the connection that I had established.

I continued holding his hands and listening as he poured out his feelings about his life. I felt that my main job was to help him feel comfortable and not afraid. As I was listening I saw approaching from a distance a young man, Aaron, that I had channeled many times who had been a murder victim. I was quite surprised to see him. He came to the bench and gently took hold of Marcus and lifted him up. Aaron put his arm around Marcus shoulders and they started walking down the dormitory. I remained seated. Aaron looked back at me with a smile and a wave indicating that he had this situation covered and I could leave.

Watching the two of them stroll through the dormitory I could see how intently Marcus was listening to Aaron and I was so glad that he had come along to help this confused soul transition into the spirit world. Marcus was not shunning the light from the Divine Spirit. He was simply confused at the transition.

At this point it was time for me to leave and I came back into my body and relayed all that I had seen and heard to Julia. It made her feel better to hear how Marcus was and that he was going to be all right in time.

From this experience I saw that there is a great deal of misconception about people who commit suicide. They are not condemned to hell, as many religions teach, but taking care of by loving spirits. There is no karma to reap. A suicide is not condemned to walk the earth as a ghost. Some spirits choose to stay here and not move on into the spirit world. The only one that will judge us in spirit is ourselves. We will be given opportunities to look at our lives from different perspectives. People may disagree with what I have stated, but this is what I have observed from frequently visiting the spirit world.

The Divine Spirit/God is love and is not going to turn away from one of His children. All is forgiven in pure love. The magnificence of pure love is often difficult to grasp. The closest thing to feeling this pure love is the love a parent has for their child. There is no condemnation by The Divine. So remember this story because you may be able to help someone understand what happens to a suicide person in spirit.

Cherokee Billie is a world renowned Clairvoyant Psychic who works with serious individuals interested in their search and quest for information.

Cherokee Billie is a world renowned Clairvoyant Psychic who works with serious individuals interested in their search and quest for information.

Author Bio: Cherokee Billie is a world renowned Clairvoyant Psychic who works with serious individuals interested in their search and quest for information.

Category: Death
Keywords: Channeling, Suicide, spirit world, third dimension, divine spirit, love, transition, Commit suicide

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