Here’s a Brilliant Publicity Strategy!

In one of my articles I told you about the restaurant owner who came up the brilliant idea of naming the tables in his establishment after various celebrities then letting the celebrities – and the media – know about the “honor”. His payoff for that brilliant idea was huge.

Shortly after that, I asked my subscribers to guess what the restaurant owner did next and to come up with other ideas this restaurant owner could use to get even more publicity from this one idea. I presented it to them as a contest and awarded prizes to the winners. I probably had more response to that contest than I’ve ever had before.

Jan Stern was the first to come up with the right answer. The owner next invited each of the people honored with a table to have a complimentary dinner with a guest. So the restaurant owner not only got great publicity each time he named a table, he doubled his publicity by inviting the celebrity and letting the press know about it.

Although Jan had the right answer, lots of my subscribers had great suggestions. Quite a few suggested he start naming the chairs. You also suggested he name each entree and appetizer. Several suggested he hold a contest to see who the public would like tables named after.

Here are other suggestions they had:

* name tables after national celebrities in addition to locals

* have a party and invite all the people who have tables named after them. Hold the party in the restaurant and invite the media.

* name each table after several celebrities

* hold a dedication ceremony for each table, inviting the person honored

* when the celebrity ate at his table, have a photograph taken, have it autographed and placed it under glass at the table

* combine a charity event with the celebrities honored with a table

* have a contest to see which table was the most popular

* keep a tally of how many patrons sat at each table. Periodically release the totals, which would encourage the people honored with the tables to publicize “their” table hoping to make it the most popular

* invite each celebrity to autograph his table

* name tables after large media businesses like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, etc.

* name a table after the President and First Lady

* allow each person honored with a table to name the next table after someone notable

And Paul Patzloff had probably one of the best “bonus” ideas to tie in with this whole thing. Paul suggested naming the toilet stalls after some less popular people in the New York area. Wow, would that start another media blitz!

What a great list of ideas – and what great imaginations they all have. Excellent work! As I’ve said over and over again in my posts, if you’re not getting your share of the publicity, when are you going to start? Here’s a guy simply naming tables and getting a landslide of publicity. You can get a similar landslide of publicity for whatever product or service you have to offer. The media is very willing to make you as famous and wealthy as you’d like if you’re willing to give them what they want – a good story.

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Category: Business
Keywords: what is a press release, how to write a press release, how to release a press release, online pr,

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