Does Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Actually Work? – Learn More About It

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wanted to lose some weight. For a lot of us, it’s a daily struggle. I bet when I mention the word diet, most of you will get a cold shiver up your spine. It’s ok, diets are one of the world’s evils; they lay just ahead of waiting in lines. I know personally a diet seems to work for about a couple of days and then I see a double cheeseburger that looks just too good to pass up. One week of binge eating later and I’m right back looking for something new to try.

This is part of the reason the vitamin and supplement industry is so big right now. I’ve even tried a few, desperate to get a leg up on my weight loss. While a couple might have contributed to some pretty quick results, nothing worked well in the long term. Every day there seems to be some new fat burner that is going to make all your weight loss problems go away. The latest one is called pure Garcinia Cambogia extract.

Pure Garcinia Cambogia extract has been getting a lot of press lately. This particular fat burner was featured at length on the Dr. Oz show. He even used the word “magic” to describe the properties of Garcinia Cambogia. It was here where I became pretty interested. It’s not every day that we get to have a little magic in our lives, right? So I decided to do some research on pure Garcinia Cambogia extract and find out if all the buzz it’s generating is warranted.

So what is Garcinia Cambogia? It’s a small green/yellow pumpkin shaped fruit that is found mostly in Southeast Asia, although is now grown as far as India and Africa as well. Dr. Oz discussed at length that apparently people in Southeast Asia use the Garcinia Cambogia fruit in recipes all the time because the finished product is supposed to be more “filling” than usual. Some even go further to make appetizer dishes that feature the fruit as an ingredient which is supposed to dramatically lessen the eater’s appetite before the main course is served. So far so good, right? But how does it work? The trick is what’s found in the skin of the fruit; hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA also just so happens to be the active ingredient in pure Garcinia Cambogia extract as well.

Scientists began animal trials to try to figure out the science behind Garcinia Cambogia. There were really two aspects being studied: whether it aids in weight loss and whether it works as an appetite suppressant. Most of the animal trials were extremely positive. What scientists found was that the pure Garcinia Cambogia extract, or more specifically the HCA found within it, helps counter the body’s production of the natural enzyme ATP citrate lyase. It’s this enzyme that is responsible for so much of our misery. ATP citrate lyase works to make fat cells and fatty tissue. So without as much of the enzyme, the body simply cannot manufacture the same amount of fat cells that it could have before the pure Garcinia Cambogia extract. It gets even better; a number of trials also showed an increase in the animal subject’s serotonin levels. What increased levels of that particular neurotransmitter could mean to you and I is decreased appetite and less of those troubling cravings.

Don’t pop the champagne just yet though. The results of the studies were not the same for both humans and rats. In fact, the results were noticeably different. In the study that involved Zucker rats, the rats were given high doses of pure Garcinia Cambogia extract. There was a remarkable decrease in their weight and appetite. This is a significant observation especially because the species of rats being used is genetically predisposed to obesity. Scientists were eager to find out if the Garcinia Cambogia would have the same effects on humans. This is where they were slightly disappointed. Many studies showed that the extract was a good weight loss aid but it did not cause very dramatic weight loss as it did in the rats. Also, the effects of the compound were found to be short-term.

Still, short-term benefits or even a couple of pounds in a few months might sound pretty good to some people. So, should you run to the store to grab a bottle of pure Garcinia Cambogia extract? Definitely. We all know how difficult it is to lose weight. A good fat burner is an excellent addition to a person’s weight loss program. Pure Garcinia Cambogia extract has been shown to be helpful in weight loss and appetite suppression. What’s more, to find side effects caused by the extract would be an endless ghost hunt.

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Are you looking for more information regarding Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract? Visit today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract? Visit today!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Pure Garcinia Cambogia

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