Discover How a Kent WA Chiropractor Helps Whiplash

Whiplash is an injury to the neck that usually occurs as a result of a car accident. The most common form of motor vehicle accident is a rear impact, and usually, the occupant in the car that is \”rear-ended\” has the greatest risk of being injured, and the most common injury is whiplash. Whiplash causes several problems, including joint dysfunction, and disc herniation, where small tears happen to the discs between the vertebrae, which then causes the disc\’s inner core to squeeze out through its outer core. Whiplash can cause excruciating pain or other symptoms such as muscle weakness, tingling, and numbness. Seeing a Kent chiropractor as soon as possible after the accident can lessen the pain of this type of injury.

Minor whiplash pain can improve after just a few days to a couple weeks. The more severe cases can last many months. Working with a chiropractor utilizing state of the art chiropractic techniques can help get you on the road to recovery a little quicker.

According to a recent medical study, \”Chiropractic is the only effective and proven solution for chronic whiplash cases\”. If you have suffered a whiplash accident, we recommend that you make an appointment with a Kent chiropractic doctor at your earliest convenience.

What are some of the options for whiplash offered by a Kent chiropractic doctor?

Each case of whiplash is different, and Kent chiropractic doctors only decide how to treat your whiplash injury by giving you a thorough chiropractic exam. This helps our chiropractors to choose what type of manipulation, muscle stimulation or relaxation, and exercises to do to help your neck, shoulder, and back pains.

Spinal manipulation, which is the leading whiplash solution used for joint dysfunction, entails our chiropractor gently moving the affected joint toward the direction in which it is restrained. Sometimes a short thrust in the right direction is used. This manipulation is known additionally as a chiropractic adjustment.

Kent chiropractic utilizes muscle stimulation and/or relaxation, which are gentle stretches toward the muscle that has the most tension, or a set of repeated contractions toward the inhibited muscle. If a muscle is excessively tight, our chiropractor can employ a more vigorous stretch. He may also use mild finger pressure techniques directed at trigger points to relieve any tight muscle pain you might be experiencing.

Other options for whiplash injuries a Kent chiropractic doctor can provide are sensorimotor and stabilization exercises, and McKenzie exercises, which are simple movements designed specifically to reduce any disc derangement caused by a whiplash injury. These exercises can initially be done in the office, and later easily transitioned for home self-care. Sensorimotor and stabilization exercises are specifically designed to improve faulty movement patterns in everyday life and routine activities. We\’ll help your nervous system to control and coordinate movement patterns better, and also to improve the capability of your neck muscles to support and maintain neck stability.

Kent chiropractic doctors will give you suggestions concerning ergonomic lifestyle changes that will be beneficial for your whiplash injury pain. This includes addressing factors in your home or at work that are keeping alive your whiplash accident dysfunctions and offering safe alternative options and ideas.

Learn how a licensed and qualified Kent chiropractor at will effectively treat your whiplash. To arrange for a therapy session, make sure you visit

Learn how a licensed and qualified Kent chiropractor at will effectively treat your whiplash. To arrange for a therapy session, make sure you visit

Author Bio: Learn how a licensed and qualified Kent chiropractor at will effectively treat your whiplash. To arrange for a therapy session, make sure you visit

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Kent Chiropractor

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