Archive for the "Equipment" Category

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Put Your Dog on a Treadmill!

There are so many people out there in the world that have a passion for dogs. You even might be one of them! They can be so much fun to have in your company, but you always need to keep one thing in mind: Dogs need constant attention and care to be healthy and live […]

Equipment That You Would Find in a Typical Gym

OK, so you’ve had enough; you’ve tried your hand at certain types of exercising, and you just can’t handle it. You’ve tried walking and running outside and it just doesn’t work for you. It’s either just a little bit too hot or a little bit too cold, and it is just plain comfortable. And you […]

Warming Up and Cooling Down on Treadmills

Aerobic activity is great for people of all ages, weights and athletic abilities. There are many forms of exercise that can be done on treadmills, but it is important to warm up and cool down. Easing into and out of your aerobic exercise is just as important as the actual performance itself. Here are some […]

Change Your Run for the Better

There are a lot of people that do not understand how diverse a workout on a treadmill can be. When you are using a treadmill it can be easy to fall into a routine that is boring and leaves you unsatisfied with your workout. Before you get on the machine everyday make sure that you […]

Tweaking Your Run For Better Results

Running on a treadmill can be a great way to get your heart rate up and keep it up throughout an exercise. Keeping your heart rate in your target heart rate zone will be the quickest way to strengthen your heart and see fitness results. When you get on the treadmill the screen will light […]

Improving Your Fitness Level From Home

When you are trying to change your lifestyle to be healthier you have to make sure that you are making big changes in your activity levels. There are a lot of people that go on very strict diets and neglect the most important part of being healthy. As you continue to be more active you […]

Keeping Your Heart Rate in Your Target Zone

When you are on an elliptical you may not feel like you are working very hard. There are a lot of people that refuse to use an elliptical machine when they are at the gym because they do not think they can get a good workout on the machine. Although the machine does not inflict […]

Warming Up and Cooling Down for the Elliptical

When you get on your elliptical you may not realize all of the preparation you should have made before those first few steps. If you want to change your workout and increase the intensity of your workout you can do so by changing how you prepare. First, you wan to make sure that you are […]

Understanding How to Exercise From Home

When you are working out from your own home you may start to realize how difficult it is to find exercises that you enjoy. There are not a lot of people that can say they enjoy what they are doing when they are trying to get their workout in. Because you should be getting your […]

Combating the Most Common Workout Problems

When you are working out from your home there are many roadblocks you may run into straight off the bat. Persevering in your exercising can be very difficult if you are not prepared to combat the most common problems that come with working out from home. First, many people run into the problem of running […]