Archive for the "Self Help" Category

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Women Over Weight / Should You Do the Same Workout As Men?/ I Have the True Answer

The one true reason women have such a hard time losing weight is because we all think we should be doing all the lifting and exercise that makes us so soar and hurt for days and who is looking forward to that. Did you know that women should be doing a totally different fitness program […]

Conflict as Means For Personal Growth

My Higher Consciousness has been pre-occupied with the meaning of “conflict”. In my book, Illusion of the Body, I discussed the “Constructive Conflict Theory”. My Higher Power is interested in using conflict to produce positive outcomes. I define conflict as being wholly related to our understanding (of the concept) of “change”. Conflict is an essential […]

The Mystical Meaning of Life

We all have different beliefs systems, religions leanings, personal philosophies, and ways of explaining the mystery of life. Some people are determined push their beliefs on others. A number of these individuals feel so strongly about the superiority and correctness of their beliefs, that they are willing pay the ultimate price of death to defend […]

Can I Receive an Attunement by Distance?

Is distance healing really possible? The idea that we are able to send healing to one another through time and space is a concept which can be very difficult to even fathom, let alone accept. It is an idea which seems almost science fiction like and is something which is often met with some doubt […]

Examples of Short Term Goals

Hey guys, it\’s Nate. I hope everyone is doing well and is having a phenomenal weekend. Tonight I wanted to talk about something that we probably think on at least once or twice a day: Our short term goals. So when we talk about short term goals, what do we mean exactly? I think it […]

What is Risk? (And Why You Should Take It)

Risk, as defined by Wikipedia is the potential of losing something of value, weighed against the potential to gain something of value. In other words, you are taking a chance at losing something, in order to gain something in the process. So, if we were to go by this definition of risk, or other similar […]

Becoming World Class in Life, And Reaching Your Dreams

Tonight, as well as many other nights, I\’ve been thinking about what it means to be great. We could also call that \’World Class\’. That level that people like Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Drew Brees, etc perform on. What does it take to get there? I often feel like within all of us, we have […]

Does Your Child Suffer From Anxiety / Ways You Can Help

These days it is so expensive to get the medical treatment we need and if our Children are suffering then we have to find a way no matter what the cost. I want to help you find the treatment you need at a low cost for children with anxiety issues. There really is nothing worse […]

How to Take Action to Achieve Unbelievable Success

Many online marketers have a dream, but they don\’t know how to take action to make their dream a reality, which hinders their success. They may have the dream but never follow through because of fear. They are afraid to go forward, even though they were excited about a new beginning. To achieve success, people […]

3 Stop Smoking Choices

Smoking by far is one of the most difficult habits to quit. Just ask any smoker and they will tell you this is true. First of all, it is important to remember that not everyone can quit smoking the first time they try in fact most people take at least three or more attempts before […]