Traditional Massage Vs. Holistic Massage

All massages offer health benefits, but if you are into holistic medicine, you may want to consider finding a masseuse who also believes in these principles. Why? Well, if a masseuse believes in holistic healing, you and her will be on the same accord. As a result, they will incorporate techniques that are designed around metaphysical healing. A traditional masseuse may only concentrate with the physical.

Of course, there are ‘traditional’ masseuses that are using holistic techniques without knowing it. An example is the hot stone massage. With this massage, heat is applied to the skin through a basalt stone. Physiologically, the heat revitalizes the person by increasing their blood flow, but holistically the heat, (along with the massage itself), puts the spirit at peace. It also frees up energy channels.

Sound hard to believe? Well, think about the origin of the hot stone massage. They actually began with the purpose of healing the spiritual body. This was especially the case among Native American and Asian cultures, who tended to use this therapy the most.

When the technique spread to the West, the perspectives became split. Those who were into holistic healing praised its spiritual benefits while those who were more ‘scientific’ praised its medical benefits. But it still achieved the most important objective: a client who left the parlor or spa happier and healthier.

With all that being said, if you live in an area where holistic therapists aren’t readily available, don’t necessarily Forego making an appointment with someone who is more traditional. Granted, you won’t experience the holistic treatment during your session, but you will still get some spiritual benefits. Why? Well, massages in and of themselves are a very spiritual thing. Just a basic session can be enough to renew your mind. Besides, you can always enhance your spiritual health by practicing holistic healing at home, whether it’s through diet, yoga or even self-massage.

As a side note; following is what you can expect on your first true massage.

First off, don’t be ashamed. It’s hard to even imagine that massage stones would even be relaxing considering that… well, they’re stones! Usually, stones are rough and unpleasant to the touch. So, how in the world is a person supposed to enjoy hot stone therapy… where heated stones are actually used on the skin?

Well, in reality, the heat actually makes the massage more relaxing. Just think about how you feel when you take a hot bath or when you use a heating pad to relieve your aches and pains. As long as things aren’t too hot, you feel much more comfortable. Plus, if the heat is applied to a sore area, you actually feel less pain in the process.

Hot stone therapy works the same way. The only difference is the medium delivering the heat. And don’t worry… unlike the rocks out in your backyard, the stones used for these therapies are naturally smooth. In fact, they are so smooth, they actually feel better than the human hand.

During the actual session, the masseuse will begin things by applying oil to your skin. This will help loosen up your muscles, making them more receptive to the massage. After that, they will place a towel on you to help buffer away excessive heat. From there, the therapy begins. And once this happens, it won’t take long before you get lost in a sea of relaxation. Ultimately, you will wonder why you neglected hot stone therapy to begin with.

Author Bio: Sara regularly writes for AML Stone Source, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry such products as hot stone massage kit and massage stones, as well as many other many other accessories for hot stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit,massage stones

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