Archive for November, 2011

A Look At Two Types Of Loan

There are two types of loan that you can take up to get a large sum of money for your property investment or for other purposes. This article will give you the basic details of these loans, what it entails and which loan is suitable for your needs. Here are the two loans: Home Mortgage […]

Debt Settlement 101

Sometimes known as debt negotiations, a debt settlement basically means getting your creditors to agree to reduce your debt amount by up to 60% and you will usually be expected to make the final payment in one lump sum. Negotiations between the creditor and the debtor are integral into making a settlement. It is also […]

Debt Relief Selection Revealed

Before the age of the internet, not a lot of people would have had access to information pertaining to the various methods of freeing themselves from debts. You would have needed to physically bring yourself to a debt relief company to find out on the options you could have to get rid of your existing […]

Debt Relief Programs to Give You Financial Freedom

Debt problems are a very common occurrence in modern life. We live in a society that promotes instant gratification. People are more inclined to spend what they haven’t got when they feel as if there is no tomorrow. If you are slowly losing control of the debt in your life, it is advisable to seek […]

Debt Consolidation Simplified For Your Benefit

Weighed down by several debt accounts that you are struggling to pay for at the end of each month? Some people are even facing the reality of bankruptcy as they fail to service several of their loans that come attached with high interest rates. This scenario is extremely common nowadays, as you see many people […]

Debt Consolidation Despite Bad Credit

So, you owe money!! Did you know that puts you among the majority of Americans? Yes sir!! It is official! 56% of Americans carry a balance of some sort that is owed to a bank. But then, if you are reading this article, you do not seem to be doing very well coping with it, […]

Considering the Types of Bad Credit Loans

The recession has left you with a bad credit rating and is making it difficult for you to get loans except for bad credit loans. Getting these types of loans could mean higher costs of borrowing with higher interest rates. There are fewer loans that you could qualify for and lenders may even require a […]

Comparing Mortgage Rates

Getting the best mortgage rate when you are purchasing or refinancing your house can be quite difficult, but not impossible. Crunching numbers and reviewing credit reports are definitely not the best ways to spend your free time. But somehow this needs to be done in order for you to be well-informed about the amount of […]

Common Debt Reduction Mistakes

If you are looking very seriously into debt reduction options, you are most likely to be drowning in debts that you don’t think you could pay off all by yourself. You desperately want to make all the necessary payments but at that point in your life you just cannot afford to. You have thought about […]

Busting the Myths Around Reverse Mortgage

When the term reverse mortgage comes up, many people associate it with a regular home equity loan or assume it is just another normal mortgage with a fancy name. There are actually quite a lot of myths and half-truths surrounding reverse mortgage. This has confused many people and in turn, stopped them from ever thinking […]