Archive for December, 2012

What is Forex Technical Analysis Market?

Technical analysis market is a type of Forex analysis technique that heavily relies on numbers and historical data. It makes use of charts, quotes, indicators (both simple and complex), supply and demand volume, and most especially, the data about past market performance. Its main purpose is to give traders a clue on what will happen […]

A Brief Introduction to Technical Trading

Many people aspire to get some cash out from the stock market. Even though it is difficult, many have found Forex to be an excellent gateway to become rich and to achieve their long-term goals. And to make sure that they will get something from it, most of them have studied the concepts of technical […]

Cloud Computing, More Than Just Hype

\\As head of Operations and Technology at my current company, I have personally seen the explosion of the term \”Cloud\” from every vendor who contacts me. But like any other clever marketing term, you have to look behind the hype to see what exactly is being offered and what value it has to you as […]

What Is Zen? A Simple Starting Point.

What is zen? In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary, there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, “Is this all there is? Is there another way to live my life that will bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?” Caught in the circles and patterns of our lives, […]

Forex Trading Markets: A Heads Up For Newbies

Forex trading markets operate all around the world. And in each of these markets, currencies change hands in minutes and hours. Anybody who has money to trade can participate in the forex trading markets. In a simple sense, currency trading is what happens when one person buys another currency using another currency. For example, if […]

Overcome Any Problem With a Zen Mind

Mindfulness is the practice of having a calm awareness of one\’s feelings, thoughts and experiences in the present moment, without judging them, or yourself, as good or bad. It means living in the moment and awakening to new experiences. It is part of the Zen mind, and It is one pathway to living a life […]

Introduction to the Candlestick Chart

Forex, short for the Foreign Exchange Market, is an electronic market wherein people trade currency and speculate on the fluctuations of currency exchange. Many traders who earn a decent amount of money in Forex are mostly driven by or dependent on chart usage to help them make successful traders. And one of the most effective […]

Importance of Day Trading System Software

Day trading is the practice of opening and closing a trade on the same day. Traders doing this often enter and exit several trades in one day. This practice is considered high risk by many traders; however, it also has a high profit potential with the right trading strategies. Using a day trading system or […]

Carpet Cleaning to Control the Infestation of Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles will usually deposit eggs near sources of food for their larvae. The adult beetles won\’t eat carpet fibers but their larvae will thrive on any kind of organic material, including cotton, wool, silk, furs, dead insects, pet hair, human hair, skin scales,dried plant products,food scraps or leather. Wool carpets or carpet and other […]

A "No Contest" Plea to New Criminal Charges Can Constitute a Probation Violation, So Be Careful

Our office often receives phone calls from folks with a sense of panic in their voice. The caller explains that he or she is on probation and “picked up a new case.” The person is concerned that if they are convicted on the “new case,” they will be found in violation of their probation and […]