The Miracle Diet Of Today

I recently watched a National Geographic show where African mothers were force feeding their small daughters with the hope that they would be the heaviest teens and get the rich husbands. Their only hope out of poverty was attracting rich African men who preferred heavy women.

While one society force feeds their young girls our society teaches little girls from the time they are in early elementary school that is it preferable to be thin. Strange isn’t it.

While being thinner is definitely healthier, it really has become an obsession for many Americans. It is a hard battle, we exercise, watch what we eat and still the pounds never seem to melt away. The new hcg diet is having amazing results with a severely restricted diet and a very structured eating plan, people are dropping weight like never before. It used to be that to be on the hcg diet you had to visit your doctor every day for injections now there are hcg drops, while still under doctors care, you don’t have to go in daily. Hcg drops are a big step in making the diet easier to administer. I have heard the hunger is hard to battle for about three days and then your body starts burning up the calories stored and you are no longer hungry even though you are eating a very restricted diet.

I have had several friends that have had great success with the Hcg diet and look absolutely fantastic. The secret to keeping it off is to change eating habits and get active. Sometimes losing the weight is the easy part, keeping it off takes years of discipline and determination. The great thing about the hcg is that is gives you the kick start necessary to make the changes. It is Cialis Jelly hard to get motivated when you are 20 to 50 pounds overweight. Consistency is the key to long term weight loss.

We all want to look better, have better health and be thinner, well at least in the Western Culture. Health has to be the main focus and healthy eating is the key along with exercise. Why does one society Silagra value weight and one value thinness? I don’t know but here in America thin is in!

Author Bio: Your Hcg ( offers the best in HCG drops.

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