Archive for the "opinions" Category

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Don’t Be a Dope! 9 Ways NOT to Write Your Book!

Every entrepreneur who has something to say should write a book. My business changed dramatically when my now award-winning book, Step Into The Spotlight! : A Guide to Getting Noticed was released. But you don’t want to be a dope about it do you? We’ve got Idiot’s Guide to This and Dummies Guide to That […]

UFO History on Planet Earth — What Does it Tell Us?

UFO History is filled with sightings of strange lights, and even spacecraft, appearing in the sky. These days unidentified flying objects are becoming increasingly popular to the general public. This can be seen by the many movies in recent years that feature aliens and spacecraft. However, it wasn’t always this way. Not that long ago […]

Are Paper Books & Bookcases Obsolete?

Some of you may well remember the fascination of bookshelves in their childhood. Visiting someone’s house with bookshelves packed with books was quite an impressive experience. Being a child it is not important what books are there, but shelving tons of books was considered smart and important. However, no one is really sure where this […]

I’m Pro-Teacher!! I’m Anti-Educator!! As Everyone Should Be

It’s not enough that the Education Establishment of this country has dropped tons of stupid policies on us. No, they have done something else almost as diabolical. They have blurred the distinction between teachers, that is the people in the classrooms, and educators, that is, the bosses at the top. These two groups have no […]

Everybody Should Be Mad As Heck About Public Education

Listen To Me, You Rich Successful People In Your Big Houses: I know, I know, you don’t want to think about all the bad public schools out there. Nothing to do with you, right?? Wrong. The effects are oozing through the society. You are in danger. Want safety? Here are three threats we have to […]

Sharp Countertop Microwave Reviews

After a long day, don’t you ever wish you can come home to some home cooked meals? However, all that fatigue usually keeps you from dealing with all the needed food preparations. Instead of cooking, you now turn to your phone and decide to go for greasy takeouts instead. This is just the kind of […]

What Would You Do With 50 Million Dollars?

Here in British Columbia, Canada the latest lottery winners were a gay couple. Regular working people. Cool. I wonder if they would be as generous as an elderly couple in Nova Scotia who won 11.2 Million in July 2010. They have given away most of the money to family and charities. Now that’s cooler. I […]

Calico Critters Townhome Review

The Calico Critters Townhome is a traditional toy that’s been available for decades. The townhouse premiered in 1984 by Epoch Ltd. in Japan and has now develop into just about the most sought after holiday toys for 2010. Aimed for children ages 3 and up, this product provides an creative escape for your youngster. Every […]

Spy Net Video Watch Review

The Spy Net Video Watch by Jakks is considered the ultimate must have spy watch when it comes to just about any secret agent. Contrasting the vast majority of spy watches available today, the Spy Net Video Watch really lives up to all of the media hype and is certainly on the list of most […]

The Ways Getting Your Teeth Cleaned by the Dentist Does Not Wear Down Your Teeth After Years

Some people may feel concerned over the wear and use that professional teeth cleaning may have on teeth. Most dentists will use a hard pic to get tarter off the teeth. When getting your teeth cleaned by the dentist does not wear down your teeth after years, becomes evident, patients become more confidant with using […]