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Why Your Business Cannot Afford to Overlook Its Press Release Distribution

A business must ask itself hard, fiscal questions about what it must accomplish regularly. What must it become proficient at and what regular things should it do regularly? Any business seeking longevity would be wise to regularly engage in a growing trend of press release distribution. The idea is not how much can the CEO […]

About Scientific, IT and Marketing Translation Jobs

Scientific translation encompasses scientific research papers, theses, monographs, and various symposia and conference presentations, anything, in short, that is deemed to contribute to the advancement of science. It is usually commissioned by individual scientists, research laboratories and science publications. This is generally a neglected segment of the translation markets. With notable exceptions, scientists tend to […]

Kindle Publishing: How to Promote Your Ebook by Public Speaking

Traditionally, authors releasing a new book would go on a “book tour,” which involved scheduling signings, talks, speeches and media interviews all around the country. Although many of these activities have moved online in the last decade, speaking engagements remain a powerful way to sell books and build an audience. There’s no reason why Kindle […]

Self-Publishing: How I Finance My Publication Expenses (And Then Some) Up Front

Self-publishing used to be expensive and risky. To get the cost per copy to a viable level, one had to order thousands of copies of books at a time. All too many authors would then end up with boxes and boxes of books in their garage that they’d been unable to sell, making for a […]

How To Turn A Dull Article Into A Blockbuster

They say the internet, being what it is, is an information superhighway. And if you want a piece of the action you’re going to want to feed the search engines with information relevant to your niche so people can find you, your website, and your products. How? You’ll want to go back to basics. Write! […]

How to Turn a Dull Articles Into a Blockbuster

They say the internet, being what it is, is an information superhighway. And if you want a piece of the action you’re going to want to feed the search engines with information relevant to your niche so people can find you, your website, and your products. How? You’ll want to go back to basics. Write! […]

Seven Most Popular Blogs

Making it to the list of the world\’s most popular blogs means having several thousand hits for your blog per day and advertisements from leading brands. Blogging has become an easy and new way of earning money and of course, as the competition increases it keeps getting tougher to make blogs earn more. We have […]

Online Shopping vs Offline Shopping in Canada

Why is it that Canadians, who are shopaholics, still prefer to go physical stores as opposed to shopping online like shoppers in many other advanced, wealthy countries. The lack of internet access isn\’t the issue as Canadians enjoy some of the highest levels of internet access in the world. They also have tons of online […]

Descriptive Essay Writing – How To Set A Scene

Irrespective of whether education is acquired from a private English tutor or in a college class of forty plus, the challenge remains – how to set a scene within a composition. It is doubtful if a composition could be penned without a scene. An article cannot be set in ‘no place’. Give it a try! […]

Celebrity Bloggers: Your Insight Into the Lives of Celebrities

Know of any celebrity bloggers? Blogging is the new trend these days and celebrities aren\’t missing out on it. Once you start surfing the internet, you\’ll find a lot of your favorite celebrities running their own blogs. Jackie Chan, Maria Sharapova, David Beckham and Paris Hilton are just some names on the list of celebrity […]