Archive for the "Self Help" Category

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Persistence: Playing a Poor Hand Well

\”Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.\” – Jack London Research indicates that holding good cards is actually of great benefit in life. People born into wealthy families, who are emotionally and financially supported to become all they can be, have a great advantage over people […]

Do’s And Don’ts In Taser Gun Use

Even though taser guns are manufactured to give you protection and to keep you safe from criminals, there are measures on how to use of the device properly. With the numerous acts of criminality happening everyday, everyone did their share to find ways to protect themselves. With the rising numbers of criminals nowadays, it is […]

Taser Guns Vs. Pepper Spray

Many people take their safety and security very seriously. Their homes are installed with state of the art security systems among other safety devices. And of course, when they get out of the house, they also have to have something with them that will ensure their safety. This can be achieved with the help of […]

Making Room For What REALLY Matters

After the holidays, many shoppers load up their carts with storage bins, shelving systems and color-coded containers, all in a determined campaign to get organized for the new year. For many, our demand for \”stuff\” has surpassed our ability to buy sufficient space to hold it all. Over time our stomping grounds, especially if they […]

An Overlooked Secret to Handling Stress

These days there is so much information on coping with stress that it can be stressful just to take it all in. From progressive relaxation and meditation to time management and scheduling, we are presented with a wealth of valuable techniques and strategies. However, when you are in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, you may […]

Are You Inspiring or Gloomy?

\”You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an honest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy.\” –Julia Child, 1912-2004, Chef, Author and Television Personality What is your primary intention with others – to share uplifting, […]

A Quick Look at the Subconscious Mind

For as long as humanity has existed there have been a few questions which have been brought up and have never found an answer. Countless great minds have dedicated their entire lives to studying what makes us human and what really drives us… what causes us to behave the way we do. While there are […]

Powers of the Mind

Emily Dickinson, a great poet and explorer of inner spaces, wrote this about the power of the mind in the late 1800\’s: The Brain is wider than the Sky, For put them side by side, The one the other will contain, With ease – and You – beside. I believe her point was that the […]

Miracles of Your Mind

With science man has explained many phenomenon which were considered to be far beyond grasp. Man has uncovered many mysteries and overcome a variety of obstacles, but ironically there remains one aspect of life which we do not really know about: ourselves. We seldom stop to think about what really drives us to make the […]

Seven Simple Self Esteem Boosters

In today’s youth and materialistic obsessed world, self-esteem issues are at an all-time high. It is suspected that on average 4 out of 5 people will suffer from self-esteem problems at some point in their lives. If you are one of them, these five simple tips can help boost your self-esteem and leave you feeling […]