Archive for the "Wellness, Fitness and Diet" Category

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Great Ways to Exercise in the Intense Heat of Scottsdale, Arizona

One of the most difficult challenges that athletic adults face is staying healthy while exercising in extreme heat. As people grow older, the body loses the nutrients and fluids it needs at a much faster rate, and this rate increases as the temperatures rise. However, exercising regularly is an important part of many adults’ daily […]

Coping With Back Pain in Houston, TX

Almost everyone will experience back pain at some point in their lives, with the majority suffering from lower backaches. If you live in Houston, and you’re feeling the ache of a strained muscle, there are several methods you can try to return your back to its normal self. Short-Term Solutions Anyone who has experienced a […]

Preparing For Surgery in Milwaukee, WI

If you live in Milwaukee and you’re getting ready for surgery, you’re likely nervous and a little worried about the procedure. It may come as a surprise to you to learn that one of the best ways to reduce your stress about the surgery is to properly prepare for it. The process of getting ready […]

Preparing Your Home And Life For Back Surgery And Your Recovery

Because back surgery requires an extensive recovery time and limited mobility, it’s important to physically prepare your home and make necessary changes to your lifestyle in order to ensure that your recovery is as comfortable and positive as possible. While there are new technologies that can help reduce recovery times for back surgery, there are […]

Tips To Naturally Prepare Your Body For Surgery

If you know that you will be going into surgery and have plenty of time to prepare your body, you should do everything possible to get your body ready for the trauma. The general rule of thumb is that the two weeks prior to surgery are the prime time to get your body in proper […]

Staying Healthy: HIPAA Rules

The Department of Health and Human Sciences first issued the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPAA to set national standards for the protection of patient health information. This law was designed to protect and control how private health information is used. The Office for Civil Rights has the responsibility to implement […]

Staying Healthy: Speech Pathologists

Speech pathologists assess, treat and diagnose communion and speech disorders. They handle and prevent oral issues, cognitive-linguistic issues, swallowing, speech and all language disorders. If you have problems with oral motor, cognitive linguistic or language skills that have been affected by neurological events or diseases, had head or neck cancer and injuries or problems relating […]

Staying Healthy – Communication Sciences and Disorders

There are many disorders that can affect the ability to communicate. Communication disorders range from deafness, voice problems caused by cleft lip or palates, stuttering, developmental disabilities and learning disorders. Those who have suffered brain injuries, strokes or who have been diagnosed as autistic may have communication disorders. Communication disorders can be genetic, a result […]

Back Exercises, Yoga, And Physical Therapy For Back Pain

Back stretches, yoga, and physical therapy are commonly prescribed treatments for back pain. Having a daily routine for back stretches can help ease some chronic back pain, and loosen up tense muscles. Similar to daily stretches, yoga also incorporates stretching the back but also adds a meditative aspect to the routine. Physical therapy helps patients […]

How to Control Asthma Attacks in Children

Asthma attacks in children are a serious concern for both them and their parents. Since it is a chronic disease and no permanent cure was found up to now. Nevertheless, with a little more precaution they can lead a normal life without any complications or fatal incidents. However, dealing with an asthmatic child requires a […]