Archive for the "Politics" Category

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What Republicans Left Out of the Pledge: Education

I read The Pledge to America with growing respect. It’s written clearly and directly. Some say it’s too long. But it does cover all the bases. Except one. Republican leaders don’t seem to understand that Education is a huge issue, a winning issue. Promise to fix the public schools. That is what the public wants […]

The Ground Zero Mosque Debate: Confusing, Divisive, And a Distortion of the First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof… – First Amendment The plan for an Islamic Center or mosque within two blocks of Ground Zero has created a national controversy. Many consider it insensitive to the victims of 9/11 and an insult to the country due to […]

Canadian Trade Minister Replies Potash World War

With “triumphant” is the word to describe Peter Fan Luoan seems more relevant. The office less than a year when the Canadian International Trade Minister to speak habitual Yangqimeimao always revealed his action seems to work already found out the color of the “tricks.” Fan Luoan spirits, said: “The world wants to do business with […]

Get the Best Criminal Lawyer in Your Town

Criminal Are you looking for a reliable criminal lawyer to represent you or somebody you know? law is a very specialized branch of law, and it concerns certain acts that cause harm to the general public. The punishment for breaking these laws is usually severe, and a person who is charged under this law requires […]

Remembering Forgotten Civil Rights Heroes

The history books that we read as schoolchildren would have had us to believe that icons like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks were the only civil rights heroes of any consequence. However, there were countless names and faces that gave their life or sense of security so that later generations of Americans […]

The Best Politically-Religious System

There are many political and religious systems that are supposed to be best, or at least their founders claim so. The following social system can be called both political and religious, or, if you like, the both in one. It is about a way how to remove all the extremes from human life in order […]

Americans Must Remain Committed to Victory in Iraq and Afghanistan

Since September 11th the United States has made significant progress in the War on Terror. Counterterrorism efforts have led to the death or capture of hundreds of Al Qaida members. Arab governments are cooperating more than ever, and two of the most brutal regimes in the world have been destroyed (Saddam’s Iraq and Taliban’s Afghanistan). […]

The Federal Government Is The Steward Of The Economy, Not Its Master: The Importance Of Economic Freedom

The most recent economic numbers show the U.S. economy is not recovering. Economic growth in the second quarter of 2010 is estimated to be a weak 1.6%. Experts estimate that in order to keep unemployment where it is, we need at least 3% growth. The summer of recovery touted by President Obama is really just […]

Political Parties in the United States: Part 2

Parties are a fundamental defect of free governments but they do not at all times share the same character or the same instincts…when things go bad, there comes a rise of great parties. -Alexis De Tocqueville Americans are well aware of the defects of political parties. Corruption, divisive partisan rhetoric, and misleading speeches from sleazy […]

Political Parties and Groups in the United States

The United States has a unique two-party system, which can give power to one party or the other entirely. In other countries, there are numerous parties often requiring them to share power in a “ruling coalition”. It is difficult for a single party to dominate in these governments. Having only two parties gives the people […]