After Getting Cosmetic Surgery? What’s Next?

So you have that lift, contouring and facial rejuvenation done. You get that physical alteration or improvement you have long been pining for, but what happens the next few months or years after that? What do you have to do to maintain those cosmetic surgery results without having to drop thousands of dollars every time […]

4 Ways to Get Perfect Eyebrows

Looking at your face in the mirror, you can say that one of the features that define the way you look are those two arches that crown your eyes. Some fortunate individuals are blessed with a seemingly perfect pair that all they need to do is a light pluck and shave and then they’re set. […]

Cosmetic Surgery Before and After Photos: Know the Real One

In your search for improvement or perfection it is only right that you perform extensive research to get the look that you want. You have to keep a good eye out for the right surgeon, and one factor to help you figure that out is to look at before and after photos of his past […]

Liposuction Side Effects and Disadvantages

We all know too well how a liposuction surgery can change our body into something round, flabby and shapeless into something trimmed, fit and well-contoured. With all its promising results and being deemed as a generally safe procedure, there are still some disadvantages involved. One disadvantage that still remains to be an issue today is […]

Cosmetic Surgery For Teenagers: The Role of Parents and Surgeons

The teenage years are those time in a person’s life where body image is being formed. And it is that time where it is most sensitive to a lot of external factors. And with the deluge of information and advertisements about beauty and perfection, a lot of teenagers are drawn to some unrealistic expectations on […]

What is an Uncontested Divorce and How Do I Get One

When you reach the decision that you and your partner are no longer able to live with each, it seems a long way down the road from that wonderful moment you got wedded. No doubt it was something that you both thought would never happen and yet here you are about to end the relationship […]

3 Mistakes Men Make When They Talk to Women That Send Them to the Dog House

Have you ever been blindsided by a woman’s sudden, angry reaction after answering what seemed to be an innocent question she asked? If you are a man you have probably had this “what just happened here” experience many times with the women in your life but, aside from being puzzled, gained nothing from the experience. […]

8 Truths About Adult Acne

Just when you thought that you’ve finally reached said goodbye to that awkward phase of puberty, you find yourself crossing paths with acne in your adulthood yet again. Why does it come back? What causes it? And how can you best treat this condition this time around? These are just a few of the questions […]

Why You Might Want to Replace Old Dental Fillings

Have you had lots of cavities over the years? If so, the odds are your mouth is filled with those ugly silver colored fillings that can really mar the look of your mouth and even impinge on your smile, depending on where they are located. These \”amalgam\” fillings are actually quite common, despite an ongoing […]

\’The Official Baby Watcher\’ – The \”Fanciful\” Baby Watchman With A \”Real\” Purpose And Mission

This is a story of a brave little misfit named Wob, and how he became a hero- of-a- different – sort. From as far back as anyone can remember Wob sat on a high shelf in the baby’s room. But, even though he was in the baby’s room he was not a stuffed, cuddly doll […]