Banner Stand Display: Show the Wares

A banner stand display is something which is used in a wide variety of different situations. Frequently, colleges which are hosting open days will usually have stalls where prospective students are able to go up and get as much information about a specific course as they need. A banner stand display will usually be some […]

How to Use Trade Show Rental Booths to Best Effect

One of the most crucial aspects of a trade show is the booth. An attractive booth is no doubt a crowd pleaser, and has the potential to attract large visitor traffic. Renting a trade show booth is a smart idea as it works out cheaper, and is the smart way to go if you will […]

Trade Show Displays 101

Effective trade shows displays Toronto, Ontario, Canada can market your product or service successfully, whilst putting your company in good light. There are so many companies vying for the attention of trade show visitors that it is imperative to make enough arrangements to stand out and attract a large number of prospects. Here are a […]

Create a Reward Program to Attain Goals

A reward program can be used as an incentive to help motivate people in a variety of situations. They can be used to encourage good behavior in children, can be used to increase production with employees and can help motivate students to do well in school. Some other incentives may be put in place by […]

The Increase in Popularity of Loyalty Cards

In recent years you may have become aware of the increase in popularity of loyalty cards as people use them as a way to try and end up saving themselves some money. They reward you for using the one company time and time again and more businesses are creating them in various countries around the […]

Trade Show Accessories YOU Can\’t Do Without

Accessories, add-ons, gimmicks, or whatever name you prefer to use, are essential for you at a trade show. They are a great way to get people into your booth and if well advertised in advance will ensure you have a steady stream of potential new customers. When you are working out the budget for the […]

Trade Show Organization Tips

You know the importance of attending a couple of trade shows during the year, but the thought of organising them can be a daunting prospect. This doesn’t need to be the case; you will have a successful trade show if you plan ahead, make sure you have the human resources and the correct budget. Firstly, […]

Trade Show Gimmicks

The word “gimmick” is often used in a detrimental way and indeed was frequently used to define something a magician would use to make you think something was different to what it actually was. In terms of marketing, the use of the word “gimmick” usually means something that’s a bit unusual which is used to […]

Tips For Keeping a Prospect Warm

Hitting the trade show and generating excitement and attention for your booth is what it is all about on the day. However, once you have generated some trade show buzz and started getting the attention of the attendees, you want to capitalize on that initial interest and turn it into something more concrete. Promotional items […]

Using Body Language to Maximize Sales

Whether you consciously know it or not, every time you talk to someone there is body language between each of you. If you are exhibiting at a trade show you need to able to get an understanding of people’s behavior. Many surveys have taken place about trade show attendees to gain more information about how […]