How to Lose a Pound a Day and Tone Your Abs

The strategies for how to lose a pound a day, as well as for toning your abdominal muscles do not necessarily have to be treated as mutually exclusive goals. On the contrary, it is possible to burn off all of that excess fat that is stubbornly clinging to your midsection while at the same time, […]

Know What to Expect From the Initial Consultation Before Cosmetic Surgery

If you are tired of wanting to change aspects of your face or body, cosmetic surgery is probably on your mind. After all, there are lots of operations that are perfect for changing your look. Since such procedures are usually considered invasive and somewhat risky, it is imperative that you have an informational meeting with […]

How to Lose Weght – Pitfalls to Avoid

We all experience the many obvious ways to gain back the pounds we have lost. These include growing tired of a calorie restrictive diets or diets that prohibit certain food groups or certain ways of cooking. Certain cravings set in and before we know it, we are off the diet. We simply need to plan […]

Surviving The Atkins Diet

There are a ton of factors which contribute to the success of your diet. The most important factor is finding the right diet. For me, the Atkins Diet worked best. Minus 45 pounds later I wanted to share some great tips to surviving the Atkins Diet. I was fascinated the first time I turned on […]

Paleo Diet Fitted Into A Modern Lifestyle

Our approach to the Paleo Diet is for those people who desire to have all the health and fitness benefits of natural food, yet also enjoy winding down occasionally to enjoy their favourite foods, drinks and social life. It is for those people who haven\’t been able to maintain a diet previously because of their […]

The Best Type of Exercise to Lose Weight and Belly Fat!

Are you still doing hours of aerobic exercises or weight training every week to maintain your weight? Are you frustrated at your inability to burn fat after hours every week at the gym? Perhaps, instead, you are one of those people who avoid exercising because you just don\’t have the time, or you just hate […]

A Review of the Paleo Diet

I\’ve been hearing a lot about the Paleo Diet (also known as the Paleolithic Diet, or Caveman Diet) lately, so I thought I\’d check into it and see what it\’s all about. Here\’s my review on this new diet fad that\’s sweeping the nation. The idea behind the Paleo Diet is that ancient people ate […]

How Can I Lose Weight – Food and Exercise Journal

We have discussed the method of calculating the number of desired calories we should consume each day in the article \”How Can I Lose Weight – Daily Net Caloric Intake\”. Now, we need a way to document and track the number of calories we eat and drink each day. The way I do it, is […]

How to Lose Weight Fast and Stay Healthy

How to lose weight fast is a question that most people want an answer to at one point or another. Whether it is for a vacation, a special date, a wedding or a graduation, there are times when the weight has got to come off quickly. Many will lean toward a fad diet or program […]

How Can I Lose Weight – Importance of Water

I have been on diets for 45 years and I have noticed that there is a common recommendation. All diets suggest drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day. Now water is not one of my favorite cravings. I did not realize water\’s importance to weight loss until recently. If all diets recommend drinking […]