Breast Surgery and Your Health

When considering breast enlargement surgery, you should be aware of any health issues associated with this medical procedure.

Breast Augmentation, or Breast Enlargement Surgery, is a medical procedure than involves enlarging the breasts. The purpose of the procedure is to create fuller and shapelier breasts. Women tend to choose this type of surgery because they have small breasts and want breasts that are in proportion with the rest of their body, they had a mastectomy and want to restore their breast size, or they want to lift saggy breasts. When considering breast enlargement surgery, it is important to be aware of the health issues of having this medical procedure.

Breast enlargement involves inserting either saline implants or silicone implants through a small incision that is made just under the lower part of the nipple or breast fold. The small incision will normally heal to a very fine scar in about 6 months following the procedure. As well, it will fade so it becomes barely noticeable. The surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. There is mild pain but it can be managed using pain medication.

In the past, there have been some concerns about the safety of silicone implants. These concerns have resulted in a number of studies that focused on whether or not there is a correlation between silicone implants and breast cancer. In their book, ‘Safety of Silicone Breast Implants,’ Stuart Bondurant, Virginia Ernster, and Roger Herdman, present a well-documented and well-researched assessment about the safety of silicone breast implants. /”>propecia daily Based on their review and analysis of the scientific research, they determined that there was no definitive evidence that supported a correlation between silicone breast implants and the instances of cancer. Recently, silicone breast implants have returned as an option for women seeking breast enlargement surgery. Saline breast implants are still a popular choice because the saline is much like the fluids in your body, so if the implant leaks, the saline will be absorbed by the body with no health consequences.

Although quite uncommon, there are other risks associated with breast enlargement that one should be aware of before undergoing the surgery.

Silagra For instance, capsular contraction is a condition where the cavity that holds the implant begins to shrink. It is not life threatening, but there will be some distortion and pain associated with the condition. Infection may also occur after the procedure; however, it can be cleared up with antibiotics. As well, there may also be bleeding after the procedure. This bleeding can take place in the pocket holding the breast implant, but it is another rare side effect that is not life threatening.

Breast enlargement has continued to be a popular procedure for millions of women. The improvements in the surgery have made breast enlargement a minimally invasive procedure. The surgery takes about 1 to 2 hours and the patient can usually go home the Cialis Jelly day of the surgery and remain in a state of rest for the following 48 hours. There may be some discomfort such as swelling, discoloration, and pain. Most patients return to work within 1 to 2 weeks. One can return to an active lifestyle in about 4 weeks.

Breast enlargement will significantly enhance a person’s outer appearance as many who have undergone the procedure have reported a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. However, it is important not to think that this procedure will make you a better person. One’s self respect comes from the inside. As well, it should also not be performed to make someone else happy or be accepted. It is important to have realistic expectations when considering breast enlargement. Breast augmentation can be a very rewarding experience if you are healthy and have sensible expectations. There are number of quality breast surgery Toronto clinics and surgeons that you should consult with before you choose to undergo the procedure.

Author Bio: State of the Art Toronto Plastic Surgery Clinic offering a variety of medical cosmetic procedures including breast augmentation, skin rejuvenation, Toronto liposuction, Botox, Tummy Tuck.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: health,beauty,plastic surgery,breast,reshaping,breast lift,fat transplant,liposuction,weight loss

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