Choosing Footed Baby Pajamas: Keeping Baby’s Safety and Health in Mind

Footed baby pajamas evoke fond memories of childhood in just about everyone. They remind parents of what it was like to feel warm, comfortable, loved and secure.

This is what makes this clothing item so popular with expectant and new parents. New parents love the idea of wrapping an infant snugly in cozy footed pajamas. In fact the footed variety are the number one seller when it comes to baby sleepers.

Of course, keeping your little one safe prescription cialis online and healthy is always a priority with parents. That’s why they read the labels carefully on everything they buy for their infant. Sometimes, though, moms and dads don’t realize that safety concerns should extend to sleepwear too.

It can be tempting to put your child into footed pajamas that are a little bit too big. After all, you probably have a closet or drawer full of them after all of your showers.

It’s safest, though, to wait until your son and daughter is big enough to fit into them properly. Baby pajamas that are too big pose a risk of injury. They can become entangled on things and even suffocate or choke a child. Too-large sleepers Kamagra Gold also ignite more easily in the event of a house fire.

Correctly-fitted footed pajamas what is cialis are less likely to lead to accidents or injuries. (By the way, you can’t always go by the size in months on the product label. Different manufacturers have different sizing standards. Plus, infants grows at their own pace.)

Here’s how to ensure a correct fit when you purchase footed pajamas for your little one:

1. Measure your infant’s length from the nape of the neck all the way down to the heel. This can be difficult with a squirming infant! However, it’s important to get as accurate a measurement as possible.

Tip: Lay your little one down on a large sheet of paper or poster board. Large-roll paper, like the kind they use in the doctor’s office, works well. Make a mark with a pen or pencil at your child’s collar area, where the shoulder meets the neck.

Next, pull one leg out straight. Make another mark where the heel touches the paper. Now, take the child off of the paper. Then, using a tape measure, measure the distance between the two marks.

2. Measure your infant’s foot length. This measurement should be a little bit easier to obtain. Measure from the tip of the big toe all the way to the back of the heel. Measure both feet, just in case one is longer than the other.

3. Use these measurements when you purchase footed pajamas. They should measure the same (or slightly less for stretchy, elasticized types) than your child’s body length measurement. Measure the sleeper from collar to heel to compare.

Foot measurement is important too. Measure the foot length of the baby sleeper. It too should measure the same or less than your child’s foot length.

Whenever possible, stick to stretchy, elasticized baby pajamas, especially when it comes to footed pajamas. Elasticized baby sleepers provide some “give” as your little one grows. Your child will be able wear them longer, without you having to try to stretch garment wear time by using sleepers that are too big.

Choosing the right size baby pajamas will do more than wrap your little one in warmth and comfort. Snug-fitting footed sleepers will ensure a safe night’s rest and a safe-day’s play. It may even help new parents rest more peacefully.

Author Bio: Brian Greenberg is an experienced expert in the needs of infants and toddlers. Check out his selection of quality infant sleepers and footed pajamas. Your baby will love you for it!

Category: Family/Parenting/Infants and Toddlers
Keywords: baby pajamas, baby sleepers, footed pajamas

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