Face Lift Recovery: Know About It

Once your face lift procedure is complete and the anesthesia wears off you will be discharged to begin your recovery. Hopefully you have ensured there is somebody to give you a ride home because the anesthesia may be wearing off, but operating heavy machinery is still out of the question. Once you arrive home safely you can begin your recovery in earnest by following the instructions of your doctor and relaxing as much as possible.

Hopefully you remembered to stop and pick up the necessary prescriptions on your way home because it is essential to stay current on your medication. The pain immediately following a face lift can be slightly uncomfortable, but if you do not take your pain medication on time the pain will become extremely uncomfortable.

If the pain feels like it is getting better don’t be fooled, this only means the pain medication is working properly. The last thing you want to do is stop taking medication before your doctor tells you too. The same goes for the antibiotics you were prescribed. These cannot be missed and they must be finished or an infection can occur.

Make sure to always stay aware of the level of swelling in your face. A certain amount of swelling is to be expected, but if more swelling occurs in a rapid fashion then notify your doctor. This may indicate an infection, but another simple sign of an infection is a fever over 100 degrees, in which case you should also contact your doctor.

Also watch out for popped stitches, a milky or pus-like discharge or severe pain you did not experience before as they are all indicators of complications. Your doctor will give you other orders that you must follow such as changing bandages and emptying drain tubes. Following these orders as closely as possible is in your best interest for a speedy recovery.

You will also need to keep your head elevated for the first few days after surgery when sleeping or lying down to minimize swelling. The first few days immediately after your face lift you should refrain from moving around too much because you heal better when you are properly rested. Once the healing process gets underway you may still notice some numbness in certain areas. Do not be alarmed by this as it should go away in a few months if not weeks.

As your recovery progresses you will be visiting your doctor for follow up appointments where the results of your surgery will be inspected. These follow up visits will eventually be spaced farther apart as you fully heal. As you recover you may notice there is still a lot of bruising and your appearance doesn’t match how much better you feel. This is normal, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable you can stay home except for follow up visits until the results of your face lift are fully realized.

viagra sales />Author Bio: In New Jersey face lift surgery helps you to get rid of excess flab from your face, toning and firming your face, making you look youthful and radiant. To know more, visit http://www.parkercenter.net

Category: Health
Keywords: new jersey face lift, bergen county face lift, face lift for men new jersey

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