Learn Your Own Foot Type for Running

Running is a fabulous sport. It keeps your blood pressure down, burns off calories, and is wonderful for your mental health. Running outside in the open air is free of charge and you can choose when you wish to run so it can suit most lifestyles. One of the most important factors, and perhaps the only one that is going to cost money, is that you run in the correct shoe.

There are 3 basic foot types when it comes to running. If you learn which yours is you will be able to prevent injury by wearing the correct footwear.

Whilst the correct shoes will protect you, the wrong shoes can exaggerate your natural tendency and actually cause injury. They can quickly make your potential problem a reality.

The three basic foot types are called Supinators, Neutrals, and Pronators.

Supinators lean more heavily on the outside of their feet. Thus causing more wear on the outside rims of their running shoe. They usually have higher arches on the inside of their feet making the foot very strong and rigid. This however reduces the foots shock-absorbing qualities. Looking from behind they may have bowing inward heels. This can then cause problems of inflammation of the tendon.

Poor shock absorbing means that runners need to have softer shoes with more cushioning otherwise they may have problems of excess stress on the bones. This can lead to stress fractures, or inflammation of other tougher tissues Cialis in the foot and lower leg.

Pronators are the opposite. They tend to lean more on the insides of their feet which causes the inner arch to collapse down and can even in some cases touch the floor. This makes the foot very flexible and therefore is good for shock-absorption. Too much movement however means there is less control and tissues can be stretched around too much this can cause other problems.

Looking at pronators from behind one may sometimes find their heels bow outwards. Their shoes may show collapsing along the inner edge. The excessive movement and flexibility of these feet means they need stronger shoes with built in control mechanisms. Examples being heel counters and arch supports.

Neutrals are fortunate as their feet have the ideal combination of both good motion control and shock-absorption. Their feet have a slight arch on the inside and weight distribution is down the middle of the foot towards the second toe. Their heels and Achilles tendons are straight

and wear on their shoes is fairly even.

Ideally neutrals can choose shoes that have a balance of shock and motion control.

The best way to find out your foot type is to visit a reputable running shop. Most running shops will have a tread mill linked to computer software. This will analyze the way that you run and identify your foot type.

If a supinator used a shoe designed for motion control, this will exaggerate the stiffness of the shoe and not give them the cushioning that they require.
Likewise a pronator using cushioned running shoe will experience exaggeration in their motion which can lead to problems.

Its crucial to find out your foot type and use the correct running shoe. Otherwise your training schedule can be interrupted by injury and of course the pain and inconvenience is something all runners can do without.

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Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: foot types, running injuries, osgood schlatters cialis offer

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