Partial Denture Options Can Solve a Number of Cosmetic and Medical Problems

A partial denture is a denture that replaces one or more missing teeth when you still have several original teeth remaining healthy in the upper or lower arch. A partial denture, however, will not prevent bone loss, so we do not recommend this as the very best possible cosmetic tooth restoration. However, it is Brand Cialis nonetheless a viable stop-gap measure to consider if you cannot receive or afford implants at the present time.

Partial dentures, in spite of their inability to prevent bone recession, will prevent a number of other problems cialis purchase that will result from neglecting to replace missing teeth.

Missing teeth change the biting forces on teeth around the space. This, in turn, causes neighboring teeth to shift, and opposing teeth begin to extrude out of their sockets. They will end up growing longer than neighboring teeth as a result.

This in turn leads to areas around the teeth becoming very difficult to keep clean; so plaque and bacteria being to accumulate at a very rapid rate. This buildup will result tooth decay, and, very often, also results in periodontal disease.

Changes in your bite will place unequal chewing pressure on teeth that have shifted. This, in turn, will lead to the development of bruxism, clenching, and very painful problems with the temporal mandibular joint (the TMJ). Uneven chewing then makes it difficult to chew and enjoy food.

In order to counteract these conditions, a partial denture can be used to keep teeth in alignment and to maintain normal pressures of biting and chewing. Partial dentures also will help cheeks and lips retain their shape and avoid premature wrinkling.

In order to determine partial denture is truly your best option at this time, we will first conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. We normally take x-rays of your jawbone in order to determine its current health and size. If bone loss has already begun to occur, we want to know to what stage it has progressed. As noted previously, partials will not stop recession, so determining the condition of your jaw will help us recommend implant options for which you may qualify in the future, and at what time it will be best to pursue them.

In the meantime, it will be necessary to make a mold of your mouth that will then allow us to create partial dentures that closely match your existing natural teeth in both size and color. We make this mold by taking impressions of your teeth.

The dental lab then custom manufactures your partial dentures and sends them back to us for your fitting. After you have worn then for a period of time, regularly scheduled adjustments and relinements will be made to keep them fitting properly and to maintain sound functionality.

Partial dentures replace missing teeth, so you can avoid the embarrassment of smiling with a noticeable gap in your teeth. You will be able to speak more clearly. You will also be able to eat most of the foods you normally enjoy, and the newer denture types that are now available on the market are much easier to clean. They also are very quiet, so you do not have to worry about embarrassing clicking noises.

Author Bio: For information on Partial Denture Options visit us at Cosmetic Silagra Dentistry Center.

Category: Health
Keywords: Partial Denture, Dentures, Partials, Partial Dentures

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