Restrictive Diets Are Not a Good Idea For Teens

As parents we sometimes fail to remember that teenagers are going through a lot. Not only with the pressures academically and socially, but also hormonally. Their bodies are growing at the fastest rate they ever have since birth, and their brains are truly learning the critical mental process of decision making. All of Kamagra jelly these things can make it difficult for them to always make the right decisions when it comes to being physically active and eating healthy. They may know that exercise is good for them and that cookies are not a healthy snack, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to make the right choice every time.

Teenagers are especially susceptible to getting too caught up in issues of personal image. As a result, many teenagers these days regularly resort to restrictive diets and strive to maintain a “perfect” body. We’re all aware that in a few years they will more than likely give up their pursuit for a perfect body as there is not really such a thing, yet more and more teens each year turn to dieting as a short term way to obtain a desired look.

(NOTE: by “dieting” I am referring to restrictive ‘diets’ that should not be confused with healthy eating habits or a healthy ‘diet.’)

Teenagers who diet will find out that they don’t work. Here are some reasons why it may not be a good idea to put your child on a highly restrictive diet.

Restricting food intake can disrupt their energy balance and the innate ability they have to regulate which foods are right for them.

Second, studies show that a majority of overweight adults who used dieting as their only weight control method in their teenage years gained that weight back.

Dieting can stunt a child’s height growth. Restrictive diets often result in kids not getting the necessary nutrients and vitamins that they need to grow. In fact, some kids that are overweight at a young age simply need to “grow in” to their proper weight. As they get a bit taller and maintain the same weight, their overall health becomes better.

Teens generally follow diets that are risky to their health since the “lose weight fast” diets restrict cialis 10mg price nutrients from getting into the body. When this occurs, the teen’s development can have severe psychological and physical imbalances.

For these reasons, parents should be wary if/when their child tells them they want to go on a diet. The bottom line is that restrictive diets as a means to lose weight in teenagers are never worth it. Their chances for short term success are slim and it is more likely that they are actually doing something that is worse for their body. (In fact, these diets are really not a good idea for adults either.)

So, after reading that you shouldn’t put your child on a restrictive diet, what should you do? The best option you have would

be to send your child to a fitness camp where kids lose weight while eating yummy food and having fun in the sun. Everything else you might do will usually add unwanted pressure. A weight loss camp is a wonderful and non-stressful way to Tadalis SX get your child or teen to love being fit without actually feeling like they must restrict themselves. This is a win-win for parents and kids!

Author Bio: Joe Busch specializes in writing articles related to healthy weight loss for kids. He focuses on proper diets, exercise, and fat camp. Parents with children that struggle with their weight should consider weight loss camps to jump start the process.

Category: Advice
Keywords: diet, teenagers, weight loss for teens, parenting, advice, weight loss camp

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