Save Big By Spending Little

How much money you save really has little to do with how big your paycheck it is; instead, it has everything to do with how much you spend. If you can cut back on your spending and be disciplined about putting aside a certain amount of money every month, you’ll be set for retirement–and any rainy days that may happen before then. Here are some ideas to help you cut back on costs.

If you’re a smoker, quit. Smoking a pack a day easily adds up to around $1,800 a year. Pay that money to yourself in savings, and save on health care and insurance too. (Not to mention your life.)

Instead of driving all the time, go for public transportation and carpooling. You’ll save money on gas and vehicle maintenance. You could save over $1,000 a year by cutting your driving time in half. If you live in the city, you might want to get rid of your car altogether.

Lose prescription cialis online the cable. Not only can you get digital channels on your TV for free, you can also watch shows online at legal web sites (with far fewer commercial breaks). This means you don’t have to arrange your schedule around your favorite show; you can watch it whenever you want. And it’s completely free! (Minus the cost of Internet, of course, but you can save on that too by asking about promotions and deals or even sharing it, and thus splitting the cost, with a neighbor or roommate.)

Speaking of entertainment, go to the library for movies and books, and stay in more often than you go out. Restaurant and movie theater costs can add up fast. If you must go out, consider going to a matinee and getting only an appetizer or dessert.

Reuse and buy used. Go through your wardrobe again before you head out to the mall. You might be surprised to learn you already have five green shirts. If something is no longer wearable, use it as a rag or to make into another article of clothing. When you must replace something, look at consignment shops and discounted stores first. You can find deals on things cheap generic cialis that are brand new and in great condition. Or simply limit your shopping to the clearance racks.

Finally, cut up the credit cards. Save enough money to buy for what you need instead of paying the minimum on your bill. Otherwise, you’ll quickly accumulate thousands of dollars and sink deeper in debt–the very opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish. If you do have credit cards, use them responsibly and pay them off immediately.

Be mindful of where you’re spending your money. You’ll be amazed at how cutting back a little here and there will make your savings grow.

Author Bio: ( is a Financial Oversight company that never charges you anything.

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