Self Defense – Golden Rules That You Should Follow

Self defense techniques are not as difficult to learn as most people think that they are. It is, unfortunately, highly probable that you will have to defend yourself at some point in your life, and so the more prepared you are, the higher the likelihood of you not being seriously harmed. These are the rules to follow in order to remain safe and protected…

Rule #1: Keep it simple. Very few people are able to fight like the people you see in kung fu movies. Martial arts experts have had years of intensive training, and you cannot just copy what they do. Defending yourself against an attack is a very basic concept with very basic self defense techniques.

Rule #2: Only do enough to defend yourself. Naturally, every living species has a desire to succeed and dominate in any particular scenario. It is important to remember that self defense is not about beating up someone else. Harming your assailant excessively could have severe moral and legal costs associated with it. Your aim is only to momentarily incapacitate the attacker in order to escape, thus, don’t be over-aggressive and play it safe.

Rule #3: Know what you are capable of. Using self defense techniques is much like using any other skills or knowledge. You are only as good as what you have been taught, and knowing a little does not make you invincible. So, only use self defense techniques which you have practiced before, and do not attempt any thing that could endanger yourself.

Rule #4: Remain calm. Staying in control of your faculties allows you to make good decisions and think things through clearly enough to plan an escape without being harmed. Part of remaining calm is understanding that you have the ability to defend yourself in any given situation when you have self defense techniques. If you start to panic, then your attacker will become edgy too, which is the last thing that you want, as any chance of reasoning with them will be lost.

Rule #5: Leave your ego aside.

Self defense is for defending yourself, not for showcasing your ability as a fighter. If you put your ego on show, and start talking ‘big’, you will make a bad situation even worse. You do not want to make it difficult for them to back down. You should be assertive, ingredients in viagra without being over confident. You want your attacker to know that you do not want to fight, but that you are prepared to, and know how to, if they will not allow you to leave the scene.

Rule #6: Call for help. Do not be afraid to shout and call out for assistance from anyone that might be nearby. No-one is going to laugh at you or think you weak for doing so. Most of the time, anyone that hears your plea for help will come to your aid. They may not be willing to get involved in the confrontation themselves, but they will at least phone the police. You will also have a witness should you need one.

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Category: Self Help
Keywords: self defense rules, self defense, Kamagra fighting, martial arts, advice

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