Silence, Meditation, And Your Infinite Creative Potential

We create in silence and meditation. With silence and meditation, we stir the energies for the manifestation process. It is hard for some people to practice the art of silence and meditation, but silence and meditation is essential for the use of our infinite creative potential.

In our society, many have become addicted to emotional and mental turbulence. We feel like we really have a life when things are loud and turbulent. Unfortunately, silence has become equated with boredom. And for this very reason, we have more stressed-out people in the world than ever before.

The truth is, we may not be as stressed as we think. Kamagra jelly In fact, we just may need a little silence. Did you hear the word “silence?” Of course you did.

And silence is what we can get when we unplug from the useless systems and programs of the Matrix. When we unplug from the programs and systems of

the Matrix and its counterproductive effect on our ability to create the life we want to live, we find that we can activate our infinite creative potential and transform it into infinite creative energy. This is accomplished propecia symptoms through the practice of silence and meditation.

Silence and meditation Cialis Jelly allows us to cleanse the subconscious debris of counterproductive thoughts and thought forms. Like a mental detoxification, we are then “empty to be refilled.” We are liberated. And liberation for the mind means liberation for the Soul as well.

As we empty our minds, we can reload and restore productive mental imagery which works with pure consciousness in the creation and manifestation process. Productive mental imagery then activates our infinite creative potential and turns it into creative energy. When this creative energy is used, it becomes creative power which has the volition to manifest our most focused intentions.

Silence and meditation also activates our infinite creative potential for creative energy because the yoke of resistance are broken and energy (creative energy) always follows the path of least resistance. This is why it is important to “purpose” your intentions. Purpose intentions are not weighed down and held back by resistance. Purpose intentions have volition and the power to actualize because these intentions are not held back by resistance.

And how can we undoubtedly know we are resisting. Stress is the signal. Stress and turbulence is always the signal of resistance. Our infinite creative energy cannot flow and become power where there is resistance. Silence and meditation make us aware of what and where the resistance is and through our Oracle Within, we discover what inspired action to take to unblock the flow.

All to often we are told we need to add something to ourselves in order to become our true and authentic self. However, those of us who have grown on the path of enlightenment have discovered that it is nothing we need to add to ourselves but what we need unload to make room to reload and restore what we’ve already had.

Silence and meditation is not only detoxifying but it is replenishing. What we replenish and restore is the infinite creative power we require to create the life we desire to live.

So if you are feeling “stressed” out by life and wondering why the manifestation of your dreams seem to drag on into a never-ending nightmare of discontent, then practice a little silence and meditation. And as you meditate in silence you will discover yourself in the presence of All-that-is and know that you dreams can be actualized.

Author Bio: Carmellita Brown is the Creative Director of Blue Lotus Living.

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