The Mom of a Toddler Home Workout

There’s one very common goal for moms with toddlers in the house – finding time to exercise. That toddler might just be the key to getting your workout done. Who needs a gym membership with a toddler around?

1. The toddler chase.

Take toddler outside. Let him or her get a few steps ahead, then try to catch up.

This works particularly well with really adventurous toddlers. My youngest would gladly get 2-3 houses away from me, in the middle of the street, if I let her.

If your toddler isn’t a runner, it can at least be a nice walk.

2. Sit-ups.

Go ahead. Try to do a sit-up with a toddler around. You’ll probably get a toddler on your tummy. Too bad sit-ups don’t work too well that way.

But you can change up the exercise. Stay in the sit-up position, get that toddler on your shins and start lifting your legs. You will get a workout.

3. What’s in his/her mouth?

Be preoccupied for roughly 0.05 seconds. Realize toddler has put something in his or her mouth and is gagging on it. Remove it from toddlers tightly closed mouth.

4. Kitchen cabinet clear out.

Let viagra joke toddler into your kitchen. Let him or her clear out the plastic container cabinet and any other cabinet that they can safely play in.

Put everything back as toddler clears out each cabinet over again when you walk off. Repeat.

5. Computer keyboard rescue.

Realize toddler has started pounding on your keyboard, starting random programs and doing things you didn’t realize were possible with just the keyboard.

Whisk toddler away. Spin toddler around to stop the tears.

6. Crayon on the walls scrub.

Leave Cialis Jelly just one crayon in reach. When you’re expecting company, discover that toddler has drawn all over the walls with the crayon. Start scrubbing, hoping that this was one of the washable crayons, not the regular sort.

7. Toddler catch.

Discover just barely in time that your toddler can climb the furniture or stairs… sort of. Catch toddler before he or she hits the ground and really starts screaming. Repeat anywhere from daily to several times an hour until toddler gets bored with climbing or gets good at it.

8. Liquid soap slip-up.

Find out that toddler has used new climbing skills to reach liquid soap dispenser and has now fingerpainted the entire bathroom floor, walls, cabinet and counter. Please note that this exercise is best not done in the middle of the night.

As your toddler keeps you running, just remember that these times go by really fast. Don’t think of all the trouble as trouble. Silagra See it as one more way you’re being active.

And don’t worry. Not all of these have happened to me… yet.

Author Bio: Stephanie Foster runs and is well aware of the inherent silliness in the daily life of a stay at home mom. If you’re a stay at home mom considering becoming a work at home mom, visit her site.

Category: Family/Parenting/Infants and Toddlers
Keywords: toddlers,toddler mischief,mom fitness,exercise for moms

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