What is an Oxygen Bar?

Although yet to gain mainstream popularity in the UK, there has been a steady increase in the popularity of oxygen bars over the past couple of decades. An oxygen bar is quite simply a facility which acts as a concentrated source of oxygen for inhalation. It is believed by many that oxygen provides health benefits and certainly in high concentrations there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it has recreational benefits. There is a real demand for these kinds of bars and an assortment have started to spring up over the years, especially in highly populated urban areas.

The idea of an oxygen bar isn’t as new as you would perhaps think and was originally pioneered in Japan towards the end of the 1990s. It’s popularity soon spread to the United States where they were increasingly found in spas, executive lounges and other recreational businesses – they have even started to appear inside some regular bars. Impressively, in some countries you can buy recreational oxygen in cans.

We all know that oxygen is essential so that we can live – we have become accustomed to inhaling oxygen in concentrations of approximately 21% Kamagra jelly of the air around us. In the event that our oxygen intake drops then we can experience very serious health problems and in the worst cases, death. Where patients experience low oxygen saturation in their blood, medical professionals may offer forms of oxygen therapy in order to supplement the supply. At a more recreational level, extra oxygen has been seen to provide a euphoric experience.

Visitors to an oxygen bar are invited to pay a set per minute fee so that they can decide how long they wish to inhale oxygen through a nasal cannula. The cannula is first inserted before the oxygen source can be turned on. After a few inhalations the patron should feel both energised and peaceful at the same time. Oxygen bars often tread a fine line and are often cautious about making medicinal or health claims about the benefit of their bars as they don’t want to risk the wrath of government regulators, or patients wishing to self medicate without professional advice. As a recreational pursuit, some oxygen bars offer flavoured oxygen by mixing various aromas to create a more interesting and therapeutic experience. If you decide to go to an oxygen bar that offers flavoured alternatives then ensure that you check whether the scents that are added are not oil based or contain any elements that could cause allergic reactions.

Most oxygen bars will offer sessions of around 10 minutes or more, however it can take as little as 3-5 minutes to oxygenate your blood. If your muscles ache then this can be due to a build up of lactic acid. Extra oxygen can assist in flushing this acid from your muscles and thus help to relieve you of muscle ache. It is certainly safest to agree that oxygen bars are most powerful on a therapeutic level. It can be a very calming experience to sit in an oxygen bar, whilst listening to a relaxing soundtrack and breathing in aromatic scents. Regular users of these bars report that a session is especially beneficial in helping to reduce stress.

Author Bio: Dave Matthews viagra Cialis Jelly for sale in ireland is writing on behalf of Pure 02, a leading supplier of oxygen bars.

Category: Business
Keywords: oxygen bars, health, muscle ache, stress, therapeutic treatments, calming, relax

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