What Stops You From Approaching Women?

Have you though about what is stopping you from approaching women?

I would hazard a guess that one reason men hesitate in approaching women is that they have a deep down Brand Viagra fear of rejection.

We all want to be accepted and liked and popular, but the world doesn’t work that way.

If the one thing that is stopping you from going up to that gorgeous woman and talking to her is your fear that she will reject you, then there is only one thing to do:

Expect rejection.

I want you to expect that when you go up to that woman she probably is not going to give you her phone number. And that is OK.

What you need to do is change your goal. If you change the game plan so that the goal is not to get a woman’s phone number, you area already ahead of the game.

Here is what your new goal will be: Your new goal is to successfully go up and have a conversation with a woman. Period. Nothing else. It can only be for five minutes. It can last for 2 hours. The goal is to go talk to a woman and that is it.

You can succeed at this goal. I know you can. It is not about getting a phone number. It is about having a conversation.

The main point I am trying to make is one that all of us need to learn at some point or other in our lives – we have no control over other people or how they react to what we say or do. The only control we have is over ourselves. We can only control what we say and do. If someone, say a woman, chooses to respond to us in a way we like, then that is great. But if a woman chooses to respond in a way we don’t like, well, guess what? That is fine, as well.

The key to successfully approaching a woman is to not make a big deal about it. After all, your goal is to talk to a woman for a few minutes or however long. It is not about meeting you future wife (though that may be a result) or about getting a date for Saturday night (again, that may happen), but the goal is to simply talk to a woman for a few minutes.

If you truly believe this and make this your goal, you will automatically give off an attitude of confidence and nonchalance. You will seem like the kind of guy who goes up and talks to women just for the heck of it, because guess what? You do.

This will actually be more appealing than you can imagine to a woman. Women are used to men approaching them wanting something 100 percent of the time. If you just approach her, have a conversation and leave, she will be intrigued.

I’m not saying that if you see her continue looking at you that you shouldn’t go back and get her number of maybe you’ll see her again at another time. The point Levitra Professional is you have accomplished your goal and became a man of intrigue at the same time.

Author Bio: Bill has been studying How to Approach a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: What Stops You From Approaching Women?.

Category: Dating
Keywords: relationships, advice, women, dating

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