3 Insider Tips For Creating Great Restaurant Advertising Slogans, Taglines and Headlines

“When You’re Here You’re Family.”
“No Rules. Just Right.”
“Think Outside The Bun.”

You probably know, in an instant, which restaurants are associated with the slogans above without even seeing their name. In just a few words, the right slogan, tagline or advertising headline can sum an entire restaurant’s message. The best lines are remembered for years, if not decades, and can play a key role in restaurant branding and helping to cement diner loyalty.

Not many restaurant marketing experts would argue that slogans and taglines are one of the few marketing elements that stand the test of time. Along with your logo, your slogan or tagline should be playing an important role in defining how you’re perceived.

While the biggest restaurant chains have the luxury of being cialis canadian pharmacy able to hire top marketing firms and restaurant advertising agencies to develop their slogans and taglines, small and medium-sized restaurant groups are usually left finding alternate means to come up with a slogan. This includes everything from hiring the CEO’s “creative sister” to holding employee slogan writing contests. Some companies even choose to reword the slogan of their chief competitor “just enough so no one will notice.”

Tisk. Tisk.

The result is usually some kind of Frankenstein-type wordplay or something so bland it means nothing to anyone. Slogans like “Serving Delicious Waffles Since 1970” and “Where diners comes first” are tired, hollow phrases that probably do more to hurt the brand than help. They portray the associated restaurant group as just another company with nothing special to say of offer. They get no results.

So here are three tips to help you come up with your ever-important slogan, tagline or ad headline.

Your Slogan Should Convey An Emotion, Not Information – Research consistently shows diners Cialis Professional make decisions based on how a message makes them feel. Little if any factual analysis takes place. The reason McDonald’s uses, “I’m lovin’ it” instead of “quality hamburgers as affordable prices” is because the first slogan gets you excited and feeling good. The second is flat and uninspiring.

Less is More – Nike’s “Just Do It” encapsulated an entire life philosophy in three simple words. It connected with its target and helped generate billions in revenue. Instead of trying to say everying, focus on one simple message delivered in a short, compelling phrase. Budweiser famously used the slogan “True” for years with great results. Do your best to get your message across in less than ten words.

Let The Games Begin – The hottest trend in marketing now is something called crowd-sourcing. This involves tournaments where professionals compete to solve a problem. often doing the initial work for free. Websites currently exist that allow you to open a slogan, tagline or headline contest and have professional writers compete to write your slogan, all for one, low set fee (the prize award) you put up in advance. Do a Google search for “slogan tagline writers compete” to start your journey into crowd-sourcing.

If you’re a restaurant marketing director or restaurant owner, a great slogan can be an amazing tool to galvanize diners and woo franchisees. So get that great line and improve your “line” of work immeasurably.

Author Bio: Richie Davis helps develop restaurant marketing at Flordia-based ad agency Spark Inc. (www.thinkSPARKinc.com) He is also the founder of Slogan Slingers (www.SloganSlingers.com)which helps connect freelance writers to restaurants needing slogans.

Category: Marketing/Branding
Keywords: restaurant marketing, restaurant advertising, restaurant slogans, restaurant No prescription cialis branding, restaurant advertising agency, restaurant advertising slogan

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