A Hiking Trail’s Possible Predicaments and Their Solutions

Hiking is not only a great past time but it is also a great way to socialize and get healthy! However, there are rarely some problems that may need to be handled; these can include animal encounters or misdirection.

If the trail is lost:
First, to ensure sure that the situation is not worsened, make a “mini” trail. Mark the current location as well as areas that have been covered so far. This creates a main area prescription cialis generic to come back to and try a different direction from. To mark this area, stones, colored foliage or even sticks can be utilized depending on the season and weather. In case of alarm, remember to use the human senses while recovering the hiking trail; Listen and call for others; Look for signs or markings that indicate a path; Navigate downhill as there is a higher possibility of a trail.

If a bear is encountered on the hiking trail:
The number one rule is to not run if a bear is spotted. This can easily trigger the bear’s predatory responses of chasing and catching prey. Stay as calm

as possible. If the bear is unaware of a presence than quietly and calmly leave the area. If the bear is aware of a physical prescience, than stay very still and calm. Do not move towards the bear. Talk to the animal in a calm voice . Extend arms outwardly and move them up and down. This helps establish authority as a human and not a meal. Remember to avoid eye contact while maintaining a grasp on the bear’s actions. If the bear runs away, leave in the opposite direction to avoid re-contact. If define propecia the bear continues in what it was originally doing (ex: grazing), back away while still speaking in a calm voice. If approached, it is very important to stop and stay put. Continue to talk. Watch for signs of aggression. When the bear stops approaching, back up slowly. If the bear attacks, playing dead is the best option. Lay face down and cover the head and neck. Be quiet and don’t move until the bear is gone.

If a mountain lion is encountered on the hiking trail:
Although mountain lion attacks are rare, they are still something to prepared for if hiking. If a mountain lion is encountered, don’t run but face the animal. Make noise and attempt to look as large as possible by hand waving or rock throwing. If attacked, instead of playing dead as Kamagra such in the case of a bear attack, fight back.

Author Bio: Author is a freelance writer. For more information on skyland trail please visit http://www.twitter.com/skyland_trail/.

Category: Recreation and Leisure/Outdoors
Keywords: skyland trial, hiking trail

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