Date Rape Are You at Risk?

Date rape has become a hot-button issue in the media today. Many people associate date rape with the use of drugs like “roofies,” which are commonly referred to as date-rape drugs. Others think that the problem is restricted to college campuses and young people who drink or party a little too much. Many misconceptions about date rape are widely accepted. Many people think of rape as something that happens when a stranger jumps out from behind a bush or breaks into a home, overpowering a female. The truth is, both women and men are susceptible to date rape, and rape by a perpetrator who is known to the victim is far more common than rape by a stranger.

Accepting a date is not automatic consent to have sex. It doesn’t matter how fancy the restaurant is or how nice your date treats you, you are not obligated to have sex when you go on propecia worked for me a date. Sex is not something owed in return for paying for dinner and a movie. Both women and men need to understand that it’s okay to say no and to mean it. Make your own choices and stick with them; never get talked into something you don’t want to do.

How can you protect yourself from date rape? First, be responsible for your actions. Don’t go out partying Silagra alone, drink more than you can handle, or ask a stranger for a ride home. Never accept an open drink or leave yours unattended for any length of time. Date rape drugs can be concealed easily and dropped into a drink without the knowledge of the victim. Date rape has become a hot-button issue in the media today. Many people associate date rape with the use of drugs like “roofies,” which are commonly referred to as date-rape drugs. Others think that the problem is restricted to college campuses and young people who drink or party a little too much. Stay in control and go out with a group of people you know well. Never walk alone at night, and avoid anyone who seems threatening or suspicious. Trust your instincts, even if you can’t put your finger on what exactly makes you feel that way.

No matter the precautions you take, there is always the possibility that you will find yourself in a threatening situation. There are ways to protect yourself, but you have to be prepared.

Carry a self defense product to defend yourself in any dangerous situation; there are many excellent options. Take, for example, cell phone stun guns. These look just like the cell phone you use everyday, but deliver several hundred thousand volts of electricity when used, rendering any attacker completely incapacitated.

Pepper spray is also a great choice for women or men looking to protect themselves. Pepper sprays come in many shapes and sizes. The lipstick pepper spray is a great option for those trying to lower their risk of date rape. If you’re on a date that has taken a bad turn, take out your lipstick pepper Brand Cialis spray, as if you were going to reapply your lipstick. Then, catch your attacker by surprise by spraying him in the face with your defense spray, which will instantly blind him while causing difficulty breathing and other effects, giving you plenty of time to escape. Be proactive, take the necessary precautions, and carry a self defense device so that you can protect yourself from date rape and any other potentially dangerous situation that may arise.

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Category: Dating

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