Don’t Become the Victim of a Mortgage Related Con Artist

If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, you are likely feeling quite desperate about trying to find a way to get your finances back on track. Unfortunately, when you get into this difficult type of situation, you are far more vulnerable to becoming a victim to con artists. After all, con artists are seeking out people who are in desperate situations because they blind date propecia know these homeowners will be far more likely to agree to just about anything in an attempt to keep their homes. For this reason, one of the most common mortgage scams out there is the one that offers to “help” while charging excessive fees for this supposed assistance.

The Way it Works

With this particular scam, the con artist offers to help you with your problem, but charges thousands of dollars for providing you with this assistance. Not only do you lose out on the money you are paying to con artist, but you never get the help you think you are getting either. While the con artist charges you for filing Viagra Jelly forms, making phone calls and taking other steps to help prevent your house from falling into foreclosure, he or she really isn’t doing anything. Unfortunately, by the time most homeowners realize they are being taken for a ride, it is often too late to stop the foreclosure from occurring.

Preventing Being Victimized

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to prevent yourself from being victimized by someone who is claiming to “help.” Some of the steps you can take include:

* Contact your mortgage lender if you are having difficulty making payments – in many cases mortgage lenders are willing to work with homeowners to work out a payment plan that will allow them keep their home.
* Don’t call companies that advertise to help on telephone poles or other signs – usually, Kamagra “companies” that offer to help through signs in yards and on telephone poles are not reputable
* Be weary of key words used by scammers, such as “foreclosure service” or “mortgage consultant”
* Never pay any fees before services have been provided
* Do not work with anyone who solicits door-to-door or sends fliers

* Never work with a company that requires you to make home mortgage payments to them rather than to your mortgage lender
* Obtain information about your state’s foreclosure process, including all of the deadlines for document filings
* Never sign documents without reading them thoroughly and understanding what you are agreeing to – many con artists will drown their victims in paperwork with the goal of confusing them into signing everything that is put before them
* Never sign anything with blank spaces, as more can be added to the document after you sign
* Don’t bow down to pressure when signing a contract – ideally, you should have an attorney look at the paperwork before you sign it

Simply put, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. So, even if the person seems to be providing you with everything you had hoped for, be sure to proceed with caution and make sure the help is really all that it is chalked up to be.

Author Bio: Jim Olenbush works in the Austin real estate market. His team sells property in West Austin, and they are very experienced with Austin Luxury Houses. Jim and his team would love to answer any questions you may have about the area.

Category: Finance/Mortgage
Keywords: mortgage fraud, real estate scams, con artist, debt help

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