Electronic Cigarette: The Safe Cigarette

Are you becoming conscious of your health but find it hard to quit smoking? Are your loved-ones becoming more concerned each day? You don’t have to worry anymore! The Safe Cigarette or best electric cigarette is now in the market around the world. It promises the same smoking experience without compromising your health.

The electronic cigarette is also known as the safe cig. It is the latest innovation as a safe and healthy buy propecia 1mg alternative to tobacco smoking. It has the same appearance as that of a tobacco and taste and feels like the real one.

As it gives you the same smoking experience, why is electronic cigarette called a safe cigarette? Here are the reasons why:


Basically, it is because this electronic device is non-flammable. It does not need flame for you to be able to start enjoying Tadalis SX it pleasure. Instead, it uses a rechargeable battery with a LED that resembles a real cigarette and simulates the glowing of actual burning. No match or lighter is need and so, no fire hazard.

Carbon Monoxide Free

A tobacco smoke possesses thousand of harmful chemicals and one of these chemicals is the Carbon Monoxide – a known carcinogen. Inhalation of second hand smoke from tobacco cigarette also poses a danger to innocent bystander’s health. Carbon monoxide is not produced in using the safe cig for it does not contain tobacco.

Carcinogen Free

Aside from carbon monoxide other carcinogenic compounds like ammonia, formaldehyde, acetone, tar and arsenic are not present in e-cig. These compounds, known to cause cancer, are found in tobacco substance. As the Safe Cigarette does not Kamagra jelly contain any of these substances, it offers the same satisfaction of smoking without the risk of cancer.

Nicotine Safe

There are different solutions used in the safe cig and one of these solutions is the zero-nicotine solutions. Nicotine addiction is most common in smokers and this is the biggest factor that makes it difficult to quit. Electronic cigarette can help satisfy the nicotine cravings minus the danger brought by tobacco cigar.

Non-air Pollutant

The electronic cig only release harmless vapor therefore it is non-air pollutant. There is no ash or cigarette butt to collect. The absence of tobacco smoke makes it safe and non-offensive to others.

There are a number of reasons why it is hard to quit smoking. It doesn’t need to be done right away. The above reasons are enough for you to shift to e-cig. It offers a safer and healthier substitute to tobacco cigarette. That is, freedom from odor and offensive second-hand smoke as well as prevention of lung cancer to name a few.

Author Bio: Stephen Thompson, freelance writer. He is a fan of best electronic cigarette. He prides himself in finding the best smokeless cigarette in the market. He agrees that the safe cig is the choice of concerned smokers.

Category: Health/Supplements and Vitamins
Keywords: the safe cig, e-cig

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