Face lift: Are You The One For It

For years, consumers anxious to regain a little youthful appearance sought quick fixes such as injections and Tadalis SX fillers in hopes of turning back the clock on their facial aging. However, growing numbers are realizing that these types of procedures simply can’t hold a candle to the traditional facelift.

A rhytidectomy or facelift is a major surgical operation used to treat sagging skin and wrinkles in the facial region. And unlike many of the current remedies available today such as Botox, which last only a matter of months, a facelift will typically last more than 10 years.

Though wrinkles and lines may improve with techniques such as laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, or micodermabrasion, there is simply nothing to compare to a good facelift.

Candidates for this type of procedure include those with:

Sagging in the midface
Fat that has fallen or looks displaced
Creases below the lower eyelids
Creases which extend Cialis from the corners of the mouth up to the nose
Loose skin, causing the appearance of a double chin

If you fall into any one of these categories, you just may be ready to move forward with your cosmetic surgery!

To begin the process, a consultation should be scheduled. This initial evaluation will determine once and for all whether you are a good candidate for a facelift at that time. Your surgeon will ask you questions in regard to your medical history while taking a good long look at your skin’s elasticity, wrinkles, bone structure, and folds. He or she will also discuss your desired expectations concerning the operation. Lastly, expect a few “before” photos to be taken.

Prior to your operation, your physician should suggest you refrain from taking certain medications, including aspirin and blood thinners, both of which may increase bleeding risks. Be sure to discuss any and all medications you are taking, and never stop taking any medication without first speaking with your primary care giver.

Quitting smoking prior to the operation is also a must. This is due to the fact that cialis soft tabs vs cialis smoking reduces blood flow to certain areas of the face. This causes certain patients who continue to smoke to experience necrosis, or skin death at the incision sites.

Once you’ve made the decision to receive a go through with the surgery, it is important to discuss your options. Get in touch with a Board-Certified plastic surgeon who has experience in performing the procedure. Get informed by asking questions and discussing any concerns you may have. This will better ensure that the end result meets your desired expectations.

Author Bio: With face lift Jacksonville based experts help you to get back the youthful contour of your face, giving you a new and rejuvenated look you have always wanted. To know more, visit http://www.aestheticcenterjax.com

Category: Health
Keywords: face lift jacksonville, jacksonville plastic surgery, jacksonville plastic surgeon

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