Global Warming and Its Impact on Marine Life

We read so much every day about global warming that people are beginning to think that this is just a bogeyman created by environmentalists who want to remain in the news. Cialis Professional The sad truth is that our planet is definitely getting warmer and the impact is being felt by marine life and not just by life on the surface.

We tend to think that only land based life Kamagra Gold is affected by global warming and that marine life is protected by its big blue cover of water. The fact is that everything on this planet is interdependent and there is very little that happens to something that doesn’t affect many other things. As a matter of fact, underwater life exists in a very fragile situation and is very easily disrupted.

As you know, global warming is the phenomenon whereby industrial pollution in the air is causing the sun’s rays to be trapped in the atmosphere since they have no way out. This causes the atmosphere to get just a little bit warmer, one result of which is the gradual melting of the polar ice caps. Everybody knows that this is canada online pharmacy viagra causing the sea levels to rise, but what most people don’t realize is that global warming is causing the oceans to become just a little bit warmer.

These changes in the ocean threaten to wipe out entire species who find their homes or their food source eliminated. Many animals that live in polar areas are facing extinction and this will cause a domino effect.

One very serious impact of global warming is the gradual disappearance of coral reefs. This will have a devastating effect on marine life, and subsequently on human life as well. Did you know that at least 50% of the fish we eat grow and proliferate because of the presence of these reefs? Man’s senseless destruction of the environment is causing these reefs to disappear at a frightening rate, and they are taking the marine life along with them as the small fish have no safe place to live and breed.

Another impact of the gradually warming waters and the dilution of salinity by the melting polar ice caps on marine life is the slowing of ocean currents. These currents are vital to the normal functioning of the ocean for a variety of reasons, one of them being the welling up of nutrients from the bottom of the sea. This will cause large scale reduction in fish populations and you can very well imagine the impact that will have on humans.

Global warming is a far greater threat to our existence than we can even imagine. This is why we continue to live life oblivious to what is going to happen in the future. We have to just study its impact on marine life to get a clear picture of which direction the future of human beings is headed. We have no choice but to make changes in how we conduct our lives if we wish to leave anyplace for our future generations to live.

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Category: Advice
Keywords: marine life, global warming, ocean currents, coral reefs, polar ice caps, underwater life, pollution

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