Healing Depression through Compassionate Living

Depression is, from a Spirit-Energy perspective, a consequence of keeping out, or depressing, the inner-knowledge we hold over life. This inner-knowledge is our healing capacity, our insightful mind and the ability to see life from the perspective that everything always works out in the end.

When we hold in this knowledge, we wind up in a situation that limits how we view life, our energy systems become clogged with fear, our bodies fall apart and our health fails us.

So, we need to begin a journey into that depression to find out why and how to get past it.

To be able to cope with depression, or better yet to heal it completely, is to be able to come back to our inner-selves and understand that we are just one being on a Journey through life. This journey brings us many tools that we may be unable to understand or move with but which can help us later in life. To understand that our experiences bring us knowledge and insight, which we will see when we are ready to, helps us to overcome the negative experiences and see the Light within them.

The Angels of Compassion say to us this:

We are, friends, in a state of great change – your human world is rapidly circumventing old ways as it asks for more! You want more healing and less fear, yes? So change comes to you now.

We are asking you to maintain a sense of power over your lives by asking for change and then putting into place a key series of ideas which will help dissolve depression and its partners in crime – anxiety and pain.

Patience is one key to healing depression, anxiety and the like, as it brings a condition of peacefulness with it. To cultivate patience and therefore healing from a space such as depression is not so hard. Once your mind has said it wants to heal then you will be allowed to open up enough space to bring patience into place.

So we provide you with the following guidelines:

Ask yourself if you are ready to heal? If the answer is yes then you are free to move into developing patience as we describe below.

If the answer is no, then you must do a little more work… do you know when you might be ready to online cialis let go? What are you holding onto anyway? We say to you that if you simply tell yourself over and over that you are ready to heal from this disease then you will begin to let go and start a new journey. It is simply your commitment to an ideal that makes it work. So if you are committed to staying depressed or fearful you simply will, without much work on your part. But if you are committed to moving through it and saying that you are ready now for more life, then you can do so!

Once you are ready to heal, you must allow yourself the space to develop a patience that will carry you through. What is this patience for? Well the reason that you fell into depression in the first place is that you felt the bad experience you were having was all there was to life, yes? So in order for you to understand that this is all there was, you needed to shut down that part of you which says: this is a just part of life that I need to find my way through. And in time it will pass.

Now there are many reasons that this part of you shut down – none of them your fault – you perhaps were too young to have that reasoning, or you simply weren’t in a space to have control over your emotional self. Yet, it can be healed now.

Patience is key here, for it brings compassion. Compassion is state by which you are fair to yourself. And fairness on yourself is a pathway into healing. Compassion allows you to see that nothing is your fault but you may have the responsibility to fix it now.

To cultivate patience you must do just one thing – meditate. It sounds so new age, doesn’t it!? Yet it is key to healing for it brings peace to mind. And we say to you that if you can only handle 1-2 minutes at a time in the beginning then this is all you need do. For in forcing yourself to meditate through depression, only causes less control over yourself. You must simply navigate your terrain with care and with patience!

Healing comes to you with compassion in your heart because healing is a place whereby you get to know yourself rather than rush through something and not look at it. If you force yourself to meditate for long periods of time you are simply rushing and not allowing it to work it’s magic.

The meditation we suggest for healing depression is this:

Heal your Heart

Open your eyes quietly to the room around you, take in each part of it, slowly and with ease. Allow yourself to just notice the room and the things in it. Do not judge but allow your focus to move through and then come to rest on yourself. Allow yourself to notice the clothes you are wearing and the way you are sitting. Allow your hands to fall gently into your lap and your eyes to rest upon them. Allow your sight to slowly fade as the eyes close. Now let your attention Brand Viagra fall to your breath. Simply breathe, not only will you allow yourself to breathe, but allow yourself to notice the breath moving through your body. See the air moving in through your nostrils and filling your body bit by bit – from the head right down to the toes. And when you reach the toes allow the air to move down into the ground, anchoring you to the earth that you are standing upon each day or your life.

Simply do this noticing of breath until you are done, then move on with your day.

Your friends, The Angels of Compassion.

Author Bio: Monique Williams – Angel Guidance & Healing

I channel the Angels of Compassion and Angels of Healing to bring you guidance from Spirit! Healing your World is easier than you cialis cheap think. Go to – The Healing Centre or Angel Readings

Category: Inspirational/Motivational
Keywords: depression, compassion, healing, angels, anxiety, psychic

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